Monday, September 15, 2008

Another Top 10

Ten things going through my head as I'm officially "overdue":

10. Can't buy too many perishable food items cause I might be in the hospital tomorrow (which means lots of grocery trips).

9. Is it possible for the baby to continue moving down and squashing my bladder?

8. I didn't think I'd make it to this meeting/party/church service (or any other function) at this point...

7. Why did I get that pedicure/manicure so early?

6. Could there possibly be anything else to wash/prepare for the nursery?

5. Could this strange feeling/twang/pinched nerve/slight cramp be the beginning of labor??

4. How many phone calls can I get in one day asking if the baby has come yet (I seriously just got a phone call after typing this sentence)?

3. I'm super hungry, but I'm afraid to eat much more because my baby is only packing on the pounds as she chills out in my belly (which means it'll be harder to push her out).

2. Have I already forgotten everything I've read and learned in the past 9 months?

1. Is it possible that she'll stay in there forever?


beth said...

Bless your heart. No, she won't stay in there forever. She'll be here soon! Having gone two weeks past due once, I feel for you. Have you tried anything to get labor going? If she's done cooking, there are a few things you can do than can sort of kick start labor...

Praying for you,

Annette Paré Photography said...

hurry up, baby miser!

melissa said...

This made me laugh, as my babies have tended to enjoy staying in utero past their due dates. I totally relate!!

One thing I can guarantee is that you will not be pregnant forever!! :) It just feels that way.

There's a funny book called " Baby, Come Out!" by Fran Manushkin about a baby who refuses to be born. I like reading it when I'm overdue. :)


Unknown said...

LOL! I can totally relate to the "twinge" thing...with each pregnancy it became more acute...I began to wonder if it was possible for the baby to fall on his/her head in the grocery store....

Spirit of Adoption said...

Could you get any cuter??!!!

Anonymous said...

You have the dearest, funniest friends, Lisa ... I enjoyed reading their comments and know how they must encourage you.

We just tried to phone you (10 a.m. Tuesday 9/16) and got no answer so of course we wonder ...

Love you so much!!!