Thursday, November 11, 2010

And now what...?

Today has been particularly hard for me. There have not been as many tears or that sharp kind of grief that is almost suffocating, but it's as if a cloud of sadness has settled around my head and colored everything around me. I find it hard to even think about what we might eat for lunch. I went to get my hair cut today, having decided I wanted a change and I wanted it immediately...maybe I thought if I looked better, I would feel better too. Scotty had several errands to run and the cut didn't take very long, so I decided to get a pedicure while I was in the shop. Usually, having myself pampered would be a treat, but today I found no joy in it. I watched people walk down the street and wondered if any of them had just suffered a tragedy. My hair dresser told me, "tranquila"- basically the Bolivian equivalent of "relax". I've been told that many times by many people. I'm not finding life exactly relaxing at the moment. I thought again about how God lost a son and wondered what He did in those 3 days that Christ was in the tomb. What do you do once your child is gone and the pain is so fresh? How do you fill your days? How do you think of anything or at least not think of nothing? A good friend sent me an email relating the suffering of the Psalmist and how he chose, in the midst of deep pain, to call on the Lord and tell of His love and mercy. Although I'm not sure if the knowledge in my head will translate to my heart today, I still know that my Father is good and that He is love. I still find comfort in knowing that my baby is with Him- if that is the only place I find comfort in this moment.


Atticus! said...

Lisa, I am thinking of you and Scotty and Zion every other thought today...trying to pray often without knowing how...I just keep thinking, "Peace. Please give her peace." That is all because I don't know what else to say -- I wish I could sit with you and take some of your heaviness for awhile.

mims said...

Each person's response to and recovery from travails such as you have just passed through is unique ... God will carry you through each day and the blessing is that you only HAVE to get through one day at a time, just as you have been doing. Hopefully meeting Natty's needs and cuddling with her will be a big part of your healing.

Ra said...

Lisa, you and Scotty and Natalie and Zion have been in my thoughts and prayers nonstop. I just prayed for you again after reading this, asking God to draw you even tighter into His embrace and to provide the comfort and peace only He can bring.

Donna said...

I think it will take time for your body and mind to adjust. You have been through so much. Please be easy on yourself. Don't expect much during this time of healing. Just take time to rest in the arms of Jesus and let Him heal you with His love.
Take comfort in knowing that you and Zion will not be apart forever. You will be reunited some day and what a glorious day that will be!
Wishing I could be there to give you a hug. Thinking of you and praying for you daily.

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog since reading in the church newsletter about Zion's birth. I have prayed for you...and will continue. Last summer when my husband was near death in the hospital I had to leave to do some errands and the "real world" felt so cruel - all these people living life like they didn't know my husband was so sick. It was the strangest feeling...yet I felt God's presence more strongly...and pray the same for you.

Michelle S. said...

I had comfort in your words today, Lisa. "I still know that my Father is good and that He is love." When we don't know how to pray, the Holy Spirit prays for us. I have three babies in heaven before my four children came and are with us on earth. When I held my first alive child, I grieved. Oh I grieved. Grief will hit you at times you are nto expecting. Let it come. Cry. Grieve. Give your feelings to God. Your Father in heaven IS good and He IS love. And you WILL yet praise Him again. I love you sister, in the Lord.

Elle said...

I don't know you, but I attend Bethlehem Baptist Church and my heart broke at the news of your loss. I wish I had words of comfort, but I know sometimes those mean so little. I lost my mom this summer finding her body on the bathroom floor and I can relate a little to the grief that you feel that is looming over you. I know that grief comes in waves and realizing that we have to deal with our grief at some point and make an appt with our grief is a good thing. It's good to cry and mourn what we have lost. Our lives are forever changed by it. And none of this is probably helpful to you, but please know that I'm praying for you and your family. The words you utter on this blog...I wish I could have been as strong when my mom died, but instead I grew bitter towards God for a period of time. This is the third loss I've suffered in my life that was huge and I just don't comprehend God's ways. But I'm blessed to hear the words you write. It challenges me to a better place when thinking of God. Anyway, I'm so sorry for your loss.