Friday, November 05, 2010

God's hand

Well, the move was a bust. I knew a few weeks ago when we came up with the idea of switching houses that it would be very hard for me emotionally, in the midst of so much turmoil, to leave my house and live in one that is not mine. After discussing the positives and negatives, I tried to convince myself that the only thing that mattered was being closer to Zion. And, that really is a big deal. We're a pretty good distance out where we live now. If everything else in my life were as stable as it normally is, living in someone else's house for a few weeks would not be a big deal. However, it was one more thing that caused me stress that about pushed me over the edge. Being close to Zion would not be a positive thing if I was emotionally unstable all the time and longing for my home and what is most comfortable to me. I am a it is important. All that to say, we packed up and moved one day and packed up and moved back the next. Our friends were so very gracious about all of it and took it all in stride. I am so thankful for people like that who are willing to help out with such great sacrifice and effort on their part.

So, I was talking to the doctor yesterday and he had mentioned several times how important it is that Zion hear our voices and feel our touch. He explained that many clinics that are bigger in La Paz don't allow the parents to spend much time with their babies, both from the standpoint of not wanting the nursery to be too crowded and because it is an ingrained custom. I had my questions about this clinic from the beginning because I knew nothing of it and I was not impressed with the way they handled me as a patient (except for our wonderful doctor friend, Sergio, who works there) during and after the C-section. However, my doctor assured me that the neonatal was very good. There are two other clinics, both next door, that upper class and foreigners tend to go with, and I even had Natty in one of these. But, my doctor explained that one only allows you in for a short time with your child and the other forbids it. This comes as both a shock and a comfort to me. A shock, because these are highly regarded clinics and a comfort because knowing nothing, we had someone who wisely guided us to a place where we can see Zion any time of the day or night if we would like. His doctor, along with another, were actually the ones who got the neonatal unit started when they had too tiny twins that couldn't get into the other clinics. And, our clinic is the only one of those 3 that has nurses that have specialized in dealing with preemies, while the others are just trained in the basics. So, we see God's hand (in so many things) especially in getting us to this somewhat unknown clinic and a doctor that is hard at work taking good care of our little boy. And just to throw it out there, we definitely see God's hand in all of you- so, so many people who are praying and who have asked their families to pray and their Bible studies and their children. We are overwhelmed by the quantity of people who are continually before the throne on behalf of our family. What an amazing gift to us. We hope to see miracles in response to these prayers!


Steve said...

Some might say you were "lucky" to have found the right doctors and the right clinic. I see it as an unmistakable moving of God's mighty and merciful hand. He must have great plans for that little guy. We pray God will continue to strengthen, heal and protect all of you. We love you.

Unknown said...

That's really wonderful that you are where you are. God is so good.

I can relate to the homebody-ness. :-)

mims said...

Such a clear testimony to God's over-ruling providence in the selection of the hospital for Zion to be in. Thank you for sharing this so clearly.