Friday, November 12, 2010

Zion's memorial service

The day our baby boy died, we pulled together a late afternoon funeral, of sorts, on our land. For those of you who don't know, we own a piece of property that is only a block from our apartment and have dreams to build a house there in the near future- dreams to fill it with children and we imagined our little Zion playing soccer there with the neighborhood kids. We loved the idea of burying him on our property, always close to us, and right where he might have been playing as he grew up. So, we invited our church, our friends, our neighbors to come and mourn with us. We returned to the clinic mid-afternoon to pick up our son. He was laying in the same warming tray with no tubes, no monitors, no beeping. There was only a nurse in the other portion of the nursery, tending to a baby. We unwrapped him from the hospital blanket and for the first time, saw a peaceful Zion. Although we knew there was no life in him and that what we were looking at was a shell, we were calmed by seeing him look like a normal newborn. We quietly dressed him in a pair of preemie jammies and wrapped him up in a soft blanket. We each had another moment to hold him, although it was different this time because we knew that his spirit was already in the presence of his Maker. There was room to spare in his fuzzy, white coffin and as we walked out of the hospital and placed his coffin in the car, I thought that I always imaged taking him out of the clinic in a car seat, not a coffin. Shortly later, we saw people starting to gather on our property. By the time I arrived, there must have been 50 people waiting for the service to begin. I started hugging those that I came to first and crying with each one, knowing that every body there had been long in prayer and supplication for us and with us. Our pastor began the service sharing about David pleading for the life of his son and how God chose to take him, too. David knew that his son would never return, but that one day he would go to him. We have this hope as well, that we will one day go to our savior and our little boy also. Pastor Edgar prayed for us and had us sprinkle dirt over the coffin, as they would at a typical burial. He picked out a beautiful hymn that the gathering sang as Scotty and I quietly listened and contemplated all that had happened that day. Our friends lined up to hug us, cry with us and offer words of love. Then it was over and everyone headed off to a reception that was held down the street at a friends house, while Scotty, Natty and I stayed behind to gaze at our son once more, pray and cry. It was our favorite time of day, just as the sun is starting to set and the world turns a nice, gold color. After a few minutes, we also moved on to the reception where we received more prayer and kind words. We were both struck with this incredible family that God has put around us. So many times were we assured from many, many people that they loved us, thought of us as family, would do anything for us. I knew God had all this in mind when he numbered Zion's days. We would not be alone. We are not alone and even now, we are being so well taken care of and being prayed for far and wide by those who know us and so many who don't. What a gift! What a loving Father we have to not only promise His presence, but give us the warm presence of so many others.


the johnson crew said...

Thank you for sharing all these things. I haven't read any of your posts with a dry eye. Thank you for testifying of your hope in God. Yes, Zion has been made whole and he is with his Maker. That is such a beautiful picture to dwell on. But I cannot imagine how much you must miss your little boy. I am praying for you Lisa.

Steve said...

Thank you for allowing us far away to share your heart on such a difficult day. Your faith and assurance in our Lord is so strong, even when you are facing such grief and sorrow. We love you, and pray so often for God's strong arms around you.

Charles Handren, Pastor & Author said...

Scotty and Lisa, we really don't know each other, we've met at BBC a time or two. But I've always received your prayer e-mails and lifted you up in prayer. I am so sorry to hear the news of Zion's passing and so thankful to see you clinging to Jesus. Know that we're clinging to Him with you in the hope that he who has all authority will be with you to the end of the age.

With love in Christ,
Charlie Handren

Carla said...

Oh, what precious dreams and yet what enormous HOPE! Your journey of faith amid such sorrow and grief is a great testimony of God's amazing grace and tender compassion. As Pastor Fred said last Sunday at DGCC, "I clearly see evidences of God's grace" in your lives, in your words, and in your church family! The Stout's have been and will continue to lift you in prayer to our loving Father! We praise Him along with you for Zion's life and his testimony to God's greatness even in his death. May the Lord comfort you, bring you peace, and sustain you. And I pray you will continue to have loving ones who will weep with you and encourage you as you press on in HOPE!
love, carla

Bruce said...

Dear Scotty and Lisa,

The hearts of your SIM family on the Charlotte HQ campus share your loss in little Zion and hold to the promises of God for his and your welfare. Thank you for sharing this day with us. I and others have been praying for you and will continue. We love you. Zion is one of our beloved SIM Kids.

Bruce Johnson, SIM USA Director

Unknown said...

Scotty & Lisa, we're thanking the Lord for surrounding you with friends who can share your grief and carry you through. Mostly, we're thanking the Lord that He Himself is with you, and with Zion.

Erik Hyatt said...

Dear Scotty and Lisa,

Thank you for sharing this difficult day with us - wrapped in tears, love, and hope in Christ. I wish I (and many others from your sending church) could have been there with you. But please know that we continue to hug you in prayer, thanking God for the comfort of his presence with you and the dear saints who are physiclaly present and ministering to you.

Yours in Christ,
Erik Hyatt
Bethlehem Baptist Church

Char said...

Thank you for sharing this memorable time with us. It would have been a special blessing to have been there to hug and cry with you.
You remain in my prayers as I pray God's perfect peace to enfold you.
I pray too, that the playground memorable to Zion will become a reality.