Wednesday, October 04, 2006

We're back!

I've noticed a lot of our friends in Charlotte commenting on the arrival of fall and how much they love that season. Scotty has always said that La Paz stays in a constant state of fall, which I often scoffed at since my idea of fall (being a Floridian) is quite warm. The temps were near freezing last night when we flew in and it was tough to get out of bed this morning into a non-heated house, but I am already starting to see the beauty of cool weather. The skies are often a crisp blue and spring brings a light, refreshing breeze that makes it delightful to take walks around town. I'm dying to get out and walk to the market, buy bags and bags of fresh fruit and vegetables, and reaquaint myself with our neighborhood, Sopocachi.

We were very warmly received by several friends at the airport last night and found out that a huge pancake breakfast had been planned for us that morning with all our good friends, but our schedule was shifted a bit, as is often the case here. Because of mechanical difficulties with the plane, we were sent to Santa Cruz, a large tropical city where we spent the better part of the day. We weren't too excited about lugging around our 4 large bags, 3 of which were overweight (one coming in at a whopping 79lbs!), but got a kick out of watching our bus drivers struggling to hoist them up to the roof of the bus that took us to the hotel where we spent the day. Although we were more than ready to be in La Paz, we enjoyed an "American-style breakfast", warm showers, and a nap in the hotel room- giving us a chance to talk and marvel at being back in Bolivia. After going through the suitcase lugging and heaving experience again, we were taken to the airport and eventually made it on to a very full plane to La Paz. The airport is in El Alto, a large city about 1000ft. above where we live, and the drive down is spectacular. The lights of La Paz were twinkling below as we descended and had lively conversation about the unstable political climate here right now. I couldn't get over how familiar everything looked and how comfortable I felt in my surroundings. I truly believe that the many prayers that have been spoken over us have truly covered our hearts and minds and brought us much peace on entering the country again. Scotty woke up with the common signs of altitude sickness, headache and nausea, so I had a quiet morning to myself, gulping coca tea (which helps ward off the sickness), eating cereal, and reading about Jacob and Joseph. Such wonderful promises God made to that family and His faithfulness never ended, even as they experienced hardships and devestations. We know that God has promised us much, to never leave us or forsake us, and we are leaning on Him for the fulfillment of all He desires to do in us.

I must say I hardly know where to begin! But, for those of you who know us well, coffee is always a good place to start! So, we're heading out now to our favorite coffee shop to grap a cup of joe and some beans to bring back to our apartment. More to come soon...


Unknown said...

Sounds fantastic, Lisa! Grind some beans for me.

Were the plane's mechanical failures due to your heavy luggage?? ;-)

Hope Scotty feels better soon. We love you.

The Thomas Fam said...

Hey We are so excited for you guys! You already have internet too!! We cannot wait to hear more and be good " bloggers" like you guys!! Love yall!!

Kevin Lundgren said...

Glad you made it!

Sorry about the altitude sickness. My eustachian tubes ached once when I was in Colorado but sounds like you got it worse than that. Hang in there. Hopefully you're fine by now. It's a good thing you weren't running the La Paz Turkey Trot 10K first thing upon arrival. I forget. Is that next weekend?


Danielle said...

I've just found your blog and am very interested to hear more about the city you will be living in. You mention a coffee shop. What else is there for you to participate in shop-wise? Will you be staying in the city or ministering to the outside people?

Aaron said...

Praise God for safe travels!

That God might multiply your work and efforts there!
