Thursday, September 28, 2006

Mind over Matter

It's amazing how your mind can be transported to a place that almost makes you forget what's really going on around you. Last night we went out for pizza at Satchels, an ultra cool, Gainesville-y hangout with a great atmosphere to celebrate our one month one year anniversary (yes, we're still celebrating the months). Sitting on the "back porch" eating pizza and enjoying the breezy evening almost made me feel like we were at home here. I'm comfortable in Gainesville, feel pretty well connected with our church, and have so many memories that span the majority of my years. The night before that, however, we shared our love, hopes, and dreams for ministering in Bolivia with the college group at the Vineyard. Scotty put together a power point of only our best photos (so as not to put any one to sleep) accompanied by distinctive Andean music. In that couple of hours we were transported back to Bolivia, my heart yearning to be there and walk among those places I have once visited. I woke up the next morning with the vague sense that I was actually there. This morning I spent some time browsing through the blogs of my friends in Charlotte and almost felt like I was back with them, reminiscing about that wonderfully enjoyable year. How quickly we bounce back and forth between worlds...although I think more and more of our mental energy is spent in Bolivia, soon followed by our physical presence. These last few days are looked on with high expectations, knowing that these our our final good-byes. I'm starting to say things like, "This is the last time for years we'll be in Target!" or "This is the last good, American pizza we may eat for a long time." But, more often we say, "This time next week we'll be walking the streets of La Paz!"


Anonymous said...

So glad to see another post here on your blog ... to get a sense of your thinking as you rapidly approach RTB day. I am grateful that we will be otherwise occupied ... but rest assured we WILL be praying and you won't be far from our thoughts and hearts even though we are traveling.

Annette said...

I trust your final days in the States are heart-warming and blessed.....Soon you will be chewing on coca leaves to reacclimate to the altitude!

Unknown said...

What is it with you two and funny glasses?

Excited for you...

beth said...

I'm glad we can stay connected with your world in Bolivia in the months ahead via the blog. I'll be looking forward to hearing about your lives there...and hey, you probably won't miss Target too much! Markets are lots more fun anyway.

Anonymous said...

Ok, now we are working on our blog and cannot wait to see your blog update next when you are there!! We are so excited for you guys and loved hanging out this summer! Love ya! J,K, and I Thomas