Monday, September 25, 2006

T minus one week and counting...

From the very beginning, Scotty and I realized that it would be much cheaper to each purchase an extra piece of luggage to check onto the plane beyond the allotted 2 bags rather than try to ship any of our goods to Bolivia in boxes. Scotty found a great rolling duffel bag last week and we were excitedly stuffing all our belongings into our bags this morning, feeling confident that we would have just enough room to take what we wanted, after making some fairly difficult descions to leave a few things behind. I called American Airlines today to make sure there would be no problem with us taking one extra bag each and had the following conversation with a nice latin lady named Elizabeth:

Me: "My husband and I are flying to Bolivia next week and wanted to let you know we were bringing 2 extra bags."

Elizabeth: "Ok, they will take care of that for you at the check-in counter at the airport. Let me just check and make sure there are no special regulations for Bolivia. (pause while searching) Well, it looks like Bolivia has an embargo that prohibits more than 2 bags per person, no matter where you are flying from."

Me: (a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach) Really? Even if we've paid the fees for extra baggage?

Elizabeth: "Yes. Your best bet would be to try to pack everything into one bag and up your weight limit to 100lbs."

Me: "Ok. Thanks for the help." (In my head I was thinking, "how in the world am I going to fit 3 suitcases into one???)

After telling Scotty and both of us reeling from the shock, we unpacked all our bags and started over. Our new strategy includes 101 gallon-size ziplocks, with Scotty trying to break the world record for largest sweater zipped up into a plastic bag. I think he's the winner. So several hours later and most of my summer wardrobe as well as a few very desirable items abandoned temporarily, we are thinking it might be possible. It's exciting to see it all come together and almost impossible to fathom that we will be on a plane at this time in a week. We give much praise to God for bringing in the rest of our monthly support and offers still coming in above and beyond- he is truly gracious.


Anonymous said...

Avaline Kleist would be so proud of you ... Aaron always said she was the world's best vacuum packer. I've been checking regularly for an update here and was delighted to discover the new post and photo when I took one last check before shutting the 'puter down for the night. We continue to pray for you. Mims

Anonymous said...

p.s. its only 11:25 in my time zone.

Unknown said...

Eeek! Wow, what a challenge! I'm so excited for you guys. I know you are eager to be about the Lord's work in Bolivia!

beth said...

I don't envy you the packing and all the decision making about what to keep in and what to leave behind. But in a few short days all that will be a memory as you step on that plane and head for your beloved Bolivia! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.