Saturday, October 21, 2006

Rare Urban Wildlife

Scotty and I had a whole day of "to do's" planned until we headed downtown and it started raining. We waited under shelter for a bit and then decided to scrap the plan of going shopping in the market (which always takes hours) and enjoy our Saturday afternoon doing Sudoku inside our warm, cozy apartment instead. As we walked back, we came upon this sight at the small park down the road from our house. Although there are not too many things that we see here that surprise us anymore, we do live in a very urban area and would have never expected cows in our park. This corner Scotty named "the dog buffet" because people throw their trash here to be picked up by trashmen every night, and until then there are always strays rummaging through for a snack. Today there were cows... These cows must have been mighty desperate to eat trash- and what does that do to their milk??


Anonymous said...

Now that is truly perplexing! Having a clear picture in mind of that particular corner, I can't imagine where those bovine litter inspectors could have come from. As to what munching trash might do to their milk ... well, I can't be sure about the brown & white one, but I can assure you that the smaller, black & white dude will never produce milk.
Love, Mims

Anonymous said...

I must say- the kids would LOVE it if Cows walked into our local parks here. :-) Very interesting!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I was right. I just showed the kids your blog. I told them beforehand that I had a picture to show them of a park near your home. They were of course expecting to see a park like ours here. They were actually speechless for a few minutes and then Houston said "Is that COWS!" They thought that cows in a local park was pretty cool. I love it! :-) Thanks for sharing guys! Fun to see "life" in your neck of the woods.

Nicole said...

LOL! :-) I love the description - dog buffet!

Melanie said...

Can you image stray cows roaming the streets of Charlotte? Hmmm...can you image what the cow catcher's vehicle looks like? Or what about the cow shelter?

Randy y Dani said...

This one has me laughing outloud even as I type.