Wednesday, March 04, 2009


I find it hard to blog these days. Not because I have no time, but I can't seem to put two interesting thoughts together... However, I'm home alone tonight, with Scotty leading the men's Bible study and Natty sleeping away in her crib. It's dark and quiet, the cats are fed and happy, it's too early to go to bed (if there is such a thing as too early). I should start our next prayer letter, but I'm not feeling inspired. However, I just walked out of the computer room to make some tea and had this sense of longing to see my little girl. I didn't dare open the bedroom door cause it is poorly constructed and very hard to latch closed without making a considerable amount of noise. So, I just thought about her cute, little, round face and how I miss her smiles. She's had a few tough days= I've had a few tough days. Coming back from Cochabamba last week meant trying to get Natty back into a normal routine. She started waking up several times in the night, crying for us to put her paci back in...this sounds like a sleep association to me. So, I get the hairbrained idea that we should try to introduce new sleep associations (a "lovey", music, finger sucking, etc...) and maybe wean her from the paci at the same time. Well, our baby is still swaddled cause she wreaks all kinds of havoc when her arms are free and she seems to highly dislike the feeling of loose limbs. So, we've had a few full-blown melt-downs while Mom tries to implement these new ideas and a couple shortened naps for other reasons, leading to much crying. I gave our downstairs neighbor a ride into town today and he said, "You're little girl is quite a little cry baby, huh?". Well, no...she didn't used to be. Anyway, all this to say that I have been frustrated and sad that she is sad. Scotty prayed for joy tonight at dinner, that Christ would be our joy. Between my baby issues and his overly busy schedule, I think we are leaning toward the not-so-joyful side. It's easy to get distracted by life and forget the One who gives true life, and joy. These challenging circumstances should serve to bring us closer to our Lord, our Father who cares for us and knows our needs. And yet, I pick up Super Baby Food instead of the Bible, and don't move any closer to laying my burdens on Him. I told Scotty I'd start our prayer letter tonight, but I think I'm going to go have some coversation with my good God.


Anonymous said...

hugs on the wakeful nights, I just read about this product - maybe it would help? The lady said she attached the pacifier to the front with a piece of fabric and taught her baby to put it back in himself. Looks like a great idea for transitioning from the swaddle. all the best to you!

titanium said...

Hey Lisa! It's ok to be scatter brained as a parent- it's not like you've done this before. :) I think the biggest lesson I am learning from my Aunt and Uncle who just had a second baby, that being chilled out has an amazing effect.

Our God is an AMAZING God. He knows all of us and still loves us. It amazes me. :)

Love from Australia!

Unknown said...

I'm with Alison...give yourself a break :-) Time with the Lord is always a great remedy for parenting stress. Hope you had a valuable time last night.

molly said...

Oh Lisa, I completely understand!!! You know, I've often be referred to as the "schedule nazi" by my family and want every thing to go just as it's suppose to...a bit of a control freak. :) Well, over the years (aka, 4 kids later), I've learned that it's okay to go stick that paci (we call it a fooler) back in. Everyone is happier in the end. :) And, our experience anyway, they quickly out grow this phase and become great sleepers.

God is good! I'm so thankful that He is so full of grace!!! Now, I need to quit reading blogs and read His Word!! :)

Anonymous said...

love and hugs. prayed for you this morning. c u soon

Spirit of Adoption said...

How was your time w/ the Lord, sister?? I hope it was refreshing to refix your eyes on Him. Hugs!

Unknown said...

Well, you get more hugs and support here! I feel like this A LOT. More often than not, feeling intense burdens/frustrations/anxiety and running to find something to entertain my mind for awhile instead of restoring my soul. It really takes its toll, huh? Thanks for being honest enough to write it down...praying that you continue to find 2 Cor 9:8 in our sweet Lord.

nicole said...

Oh Lisa! How this sounds so familiar!! Being a parent is so much harder than I ever imagined it could be, but God's Grace is sufficient. I hope you had some sweet time with Him!