Wednesday, March 11, 2009

4 a.m.

Natalie: Waaaaa!

Me: Could this be the 16th time she's cried tonight? (obviously overexaggerating in my tired state)

Natalie: Waaaa!

Me: Scotty? Are you going to go?

Scotty: Should I bring her in here so we can question her?

Me: What?? (Did my husband just suggest that we interrogate our daughter?)

Scotty: Should I just put her paci in?

Me: (Wondering if I awoke him from a dream) Yes.

Thanks for all the encouragement after the last post. The week was full and challenging and I think I cried more when Natalie got her vaccinations than she did. But, God's grace is sufficient and either she is having a better week, or I am accepting that she is going through a more difficult time right now. I think she's teething, poor thing. We're gonna start cereal when we get back from our retreat this weekend, which I'm pretty excited about. Still trying to figure out how I can squeeze one more breastfeeding into the daytime so that maybe she won't need to get up at night. Not too worried about that, as I've found that pushing her to do something she's not ready for is more trouble than it's worth. I love my daughter.

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