Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mommy daze

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged- and I'm sure you can all imagine why. Natalie has kept me pretty busy and we've actually been getting out more and more to run errands with Daddy, meet friends, and have meetings. She usually does quite well when she's out of the house, I think she likes it more than being inside. I'm starting to get more comfortable taking her out now that I see she typically does really well. I guess I'm starting to become more comfortable with her in general. Once you stop worrying about whether or not they're going to cry or if you're going to know the exact correct thing to do all the time- things get a bit more relaxed. I still find myself sometimes sitting in the house, in the middle of coooking or writing emails or cleaning, holding myself a bit rigid out of fear that I'll hear that little wail coming from the bedroom. Sometimes I have to remind myself to relax my muscles and be OK if she doesn't take a perfect nap or seems a little fussy. But, she keeps herself to a nice little schedule (if you could really call it that) and I can actually get some stuff done during the day. Everyday we love her more and rejoice in her life, her chubby cheeks, her intense blue-grey eyes, and the thoughts of life as a family.

Today, we returned to the house of the Alfaros to have church. It brought back sweet memories of when the Mallasilla Bible Church had first begun and all the growth and worship that took place there. We were there today because we were holding our second baptism service and they have a small pool on the back porch. There were 4 believers giving their public testimony of faith and it was, as always, a neat time to see these friends taking a very important step. Two of them are part of our small group and were convicted to be baptized after we studied this command together, and Scotty had the privilege of assisting Edgar in their baptism. It's great to grow together in our understanding of the Word.

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