Thursday, October 09, 2008

Cold days and rainbows

We've had a strange few days of rain around here- a little early, since the rainy season doesn't start until December. Usually, October is beautiful and sunny and warm, for La Paz standards. I was getting excited about the warmth, imagining taking Natalie out in her sling (which I am working hard at getting her used to) and walking around the flatter parts of town. Then, a couple of days ago, it turned off cloudy, got very chilly (as it always does when the sun can't peep out), and rained, and hailed, and rained hard some more. We had water pouring in most of the windows of our house- a standard annoyance during the rainy months. A few more things to add to the list for our landlord... Yesterday, during a little break from the rain, we looked out our favorite picture window and saw the most intense rainbow we have ever seen! I was nursing Natty, so I didn't get the best view, but saw the full picture after Scotty snapped a few shots with our camera. How beautiful! I don't mind a little bit of rain, but the coldness that creeps quickly into the house (no central heating) and the dreary greyness can rapidly lead my moods downhill- especially if I'm already struggling with slightly wacky hormones and lots of interrupted sleep. That rainbow was a mood up-lifter and reminded me that God is not only a creative God, but one that has a purpose in all things, even cold days and dark clouds. One challenge with cold days and no heating is figuring out how to dress my baby. She is warm as long as she is in our room, as we keep a heater and humidifier going most of the day. But, as soon as I take her out to nurse her, the cold air hits and I start worrying about whether or not she's warm enough. Unfortunately, my newborn wardrobe consists mostly of light, cotton PJs- so I find myself putting at least 3 layers of whatever I can find that doesn't clash terribly on her. That makes for somewhat laborious diaper changes. My baby also has this fun trick where she saves up all her poop until you're changing her and then unloads it (this is probably more than some of you signed up for) mid-diaper change. Her skills continue from there as she times it just right so that just when you think she's run out and you've put a new, clean diaper on, she unloads again. This fun game can go on ad-naseum and ends with poop-stained outfits, Mommy or Daddy taking of 15 layers of clothes, making baby cold and whiny, and trying to find another onesie that has the little mits (for warmth) while Baby lays chilly and naked on the bed. Fun times... Anyway, I wanted to post this pic, because she is super cute, and because she's nice and stretched out- showing off her long limbs. Natalie is starting to fit into some of her 0-3 month stuff, some of which is plenty wide, but just barely long enough in the arms and legs. I'm afraid this is going to be her lot in life since she has 2 long-limbed parents. Well, enough chat about the baby- I could go on and on, as this consumes my entire life right now. I have started a Spanish Bible study that the women in the church are doing called Conversation Peace, about using our words for blessing. I'm hoping to join up with them within a few weeks and want to be up to date on my homework. It's good to have something outside of dirty diapers to focus on and challenges me spiritually as well as idiomatically (is that a word?). I am not speaking Spanish as much as I normally would these days and feel like my ability is dwindling a bit- this is helpful for that as well.


Anonymous said...

The rainbow photo is stunning!! And if I'd come down as invited, I'd have been there to see it. What a lovely gift from our Artist God. No rainbows here and yesterday's rain, though appreciated, didn't soak very far into the mulch so probably didn't do the plants much good. We are still running the sprinkler here at the lakeside house.

Spirit of Adoption said...

wow, that is one amazing pic and one beautiful little girl!!!! : ) I'm just no catching up on over 1000 unread blog posts!! ; )