Friday, October 03, 2008

Happy pediatrician

I won't go into the dirty details of my day, but it was one of those rough ones. The last few have been great and I've felt a bit more in control of things, especially my emotions. I guess the fluxuations are normal, but things started off tough and just got tougher. I did a lot of crying and praying and by the time late afternoon rolled around and we got out of the house to take Natalie to the pediatrician, I was finally feeling better. I think sometimes you just need a breath of fresh air and a change of scenery. Car rides make for sleepy babies, which also is helpful. The dr. was super happy with Natalie- everything looks good except for her dry skin, which is just a matter of us using lotion on her...La Paz is one dry city. And, drumroll please...she gained over 2 pounds since coming home from the hospital last week! That was the highlight of my visit since my one great frustration with her has been her sleepy nursing style. Obviously, I pushed her enough during our long nursing sessions that she has been getting enough. Praise God for that! After the dr. we managed to make a few more errand runs before coming home and I had the renewed sense that I would be able to function with her outside of the house. Now, I just have to find out when you can drive after a C-section- anyone have any answers for that one?


molly said...

I was told not to drive for 2 weeks after my first 2 c-sections. But, this last one the doctor just said when I was off pain killers and felt like I could slam on a brake if needed....which for me ended up being about 2 weeks. Oh, the pains of recovery!

Thanks for posting pictures! She's just precious!!! Enjoy these first months, they are tiring but great! Then, they grow-up and are little monsters. :)

amy said...

Hi, Lisa! You don't know me, but I was a part of the Soup House at Taylor, and met Scotty through those lovely people.
I had a c-section in June, and my doctor said I could drive when I felt able to, and could walk and sit comfortably. I was able to drive myself to my 4-week check-up, but I also had a fairly easy recovery after the first week.
The emotional fluctuations are definitely normal! It does get a lot easier - I think that having a baby (at least for me) changes your life so suddenly in such a dramatic way that it can take awhile to get used to the "new normal," but it will happen!
Natalie is beautiful-blessings to the three of you!