Sunday, October 24, 2010

Zion Scott

It's hard to believe I'm back home while my baby is 30 minutes away, fighting to remain stable. My favorite part of the day at the clinic was when I could shuffle or be wheeled down to the elevator and ride a floor up into the neonatal nursery to see my son. I enjoyed the beeps of his monitors, assured that as long as I heard the rhythmic beeping, my son was still breathing. I liked to hear his doctor tell me that he was stable. I didn't like to hear him tell me (as he did several times) that he caused him suffering last night or made him age 10 years (when his lung collapsed). But I loved to wash my hands, warm them up under his heater and grab a tiny arm or leg and start talking to him. He's mostly sedated at this point and has a couple tubes coming out of his mouth and had one coming out of each side keeping air moving past his lungs. They usually have his eyes covered with some type of bandage and keep little cotton puffs on his feet to keep them warm. But, he's still adorable and one morning I was able to see his whole face uncovered and noticed immediately how much he looks like his daddy. I would talk to him about Natalie and the kitties and what we would do when he comes home. I would tell him to get strong fast and not to forget that when Mommy and Daddy aren't around, God is right there with him. I read him one of my new favorite Psalms (105) and sang "Jesus Loves Me" to him ("Little ones to Him belong; they are weak, but He is strong). I tried not to cry a lot. Today he seemed more responsive to our touch and voice, jerking his little arms or legs a bit when we would caress him. As much as I did not care for the clinic I was in, I would have happily stayed in his nursery room until he was ready to come out. We were distracted as we drove home today, so I didn't have much time to think about the fact that we were leaving our baby behind, but as soon as I got in the door and looked around, home just didn't feel right without Zion in it. I didn't know where to start. Since I was on bed rest for 9 days, and then recovering from a C-section for another 3, a shower sounded nice, but I couldn't manage to bring myself to do anything for a while but sit on the couch and stare into space. How could something so familiar and normal suddenly feel so out of whack? My thoughts keep drifting back to my little guy- his chest being forced up and down by a ventilator, his cute little perfect toes, his adorable nose being stretched a bit to one side from the tubes, his somewhat transparent skin. The last couple of weeks have definitely taught me how to pray and how to recollect my thoughts to the truths of who the Lord is when they start to wander to those dark places. Not one day has gone by where I haven't felt God's presence, even in the midst of despair, sadness, fear and pain. I know we have a long road ahead and even now I have a hard time trusting that our baby will be OK. I've read the Bible too much and known too many amazing Christian people who have gone through tragedy to believe that God's perfect plan is always the one we would choose for it to be. But, I continue to trust that He will sustain us, our son, our faith and prove Himself good. His promises are the only firm and unchanging things in my life.


nicole said...

Oh Lisa! Please know that we are praying for you and I wish so much that I could be there to hug you and to help you guys in whatever way possible! We love you!

Anonymous said...

Lisa-I am part of the MOMS group and you are our table mom for the year!! Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Keri Beetner

Unknown said...

Lisa, we are praying hard and watching for updates. We love you. Your post shows so much grace coming from God already -- praying that you can continue to press into Him moment by moment.

beth said...

I have tears in my eyes reading this. I know how HARD this is to be separated from Zion. We are praying, praying, praying for him to gain strength and for his little lungs to develop quickly. I hope you will be able to go back and forth and spend a lot of time there. Like Nicole, I so wish I could be there! Know that we love you and your sweet family so much and more than that, that God loves you and has all of this in his Sovereign control and care.

erin said...

wanted you to know we are praying for your sweet boy and your family.

Steve said...

This morning in church we sang "Rain Down". I am praying for you that God will rain down a torrent of peace, grace, love and encouragement for you, and strength and healing for precious Zion. We send all our love and prayers to all of you.

ML said...

Dear friend, this brings back so many of the emotions I had when Aili was in the NICU for those three weeks in April. Coming home without her was only tolerable because I knew I could go and see her as often as I could manage it. Being without her just didn't seem right. I love to hear that you sensed the Lord's presence in the midst of it all...He will be with you always, no matter what comes. It is hard to believe that he'll be okay, but try and preach to yourself at every opportunity those promises you've already been clinging to! That precious little boy is, and has always been, in the most capable Hands imaginable. Love you and would give you hugs if only I could be there!

Atticus! said...

oh, Lisa...praying so very much, thinking about you and your little boy every other thought...please, Lord, glorify Yourself by bringing Zion home to his momma and daddy and sister...please.

Megan Del Castillo said...

i love you girl....and am touched by your post.
thank you for sharing and PLEASE know that i'm praying...

Jessica said...

We're praying for you guys and for Zion's speedy development. Love you lots!

melissa said...

His oath, His covenant, His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my strength and stay!

Lisa, my eyes are stinging with tears as I read this and I clearly remember what it's like to touch a little boy through the wires and tubes in the NICU. I know your heart longs to be with your little Zion, as it should! I am praying so hard that God's love and comfort would be incredibly tangible to you through this. He will show you His love through this trial in ways that you never would have known otherwise! And my heart is overflowing with love for little Zion of the the Cute Toes...I am praying that God brings him safely home to you very soon. We love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Amados amigos,
Están en nuestras oraciones constantemente! Los amamos y se que nos es nada fácil lo que están viviendo pero también se que ustedes están anclados en la roca que es Jesucristo mismo y que todo esto no es en vano.
"Con mi voz clamare a Jehová. Con mi voz pediré misericordia. Delante de el expondré mi queja; delante de el manifestare mi angustia. Cuando mi espíritu se angustiaba dentro de mi, TU conociste mi senda. Clame a ti, oh Jehova; dije: Tu eres mi esperanza y mi porción en la tierra de los vivientes." Salmos 142:1-3, 5-6
Se que Dios esta proveyendo lo que ustedes necesitan en el momento exacto, se que el esta dando fuerzas a sus corazones, se que esta dandoles paciencia y mi oración diaria es para que reciban las buenas dadivas el El.
Zion, eres un pedacito de cielo aqui en la tierra... desde tan pequeño y ya eres amado por centenares de pesonas. Dios te siga dando fuercitas campeon!
DAni Davis

ASwanson said...

praying for y'all, that your faith is sustained (1 Cor. 1:8-9) as well as for the obvious needs. Keep us all updated, and know that you are loved deeply by all of us in Charlotte, and much more by the One who gives us life and breath and everything we have.

Erik Hyatt said...

Dear Scott and Lisa,
We are standing with you at the throne of grace - seeking the Lord's mercy on little Zion Scott.

Trusting Christ for grace upon grace,

Erik Hyatt