Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Smog and Divine hair appointments

I just wanted to rant a bit about the smog issue here in La Paz. I know it's in a lot of other places too, but I find it annoying that even though there is a new law saying that vehicles older than 5 years can not be brought into the country, there is nothing in place to keep old, exhaust spewing other vehicles off the streets. The only road up to Mallasilla is a 2 lane, windy, uphill (one-way, obviously) road that many trucks travel as they are heading out to construction sites in this area. I would say that most days, without exaggerating, I get stuck behind a dump truck or a public transport bus or some guys old car that he can't afford to fix that bellows foul, lung polluting exhaust into my face. Sometimes I can pass these people, but a lot of times I am confined to my lane because there is oncoming traffic or a curve which blocks my view of oncoming traffic. I have to admit, in my desperation to breath and not get lung cancer, I have taken minor risks to get around these vehicles. And it's not just on this road but any that you travel in the city. Without emission laws and with most people choosing to spend their money on other things, a fair amount of vehicles on the road have this problem and I add that to my list of concerns for my children who will grow up breathing this in from day one. Just had to get that off my chest...

On a more positive note, Scotty has found a new hairdresser that he likes a lot. Because his hair grows so fast, he sees her somewhat frequently and several months ago, was able to invite her to church on a Sunday that he was preaching. She came with one of her daughters and then came to the next women's Bible study we had the following Friday. She's not always there, but she's come to several Bible studies and I decided to go see her yesterday to get my hair cut and keep up the budding relationship. She has a cute little place that is right off the main path I take to the market and only charges $3! I was able to ask how she likes the church and meet her older daughter who works with her and has a little girl Natty's age. She said she'll come to church this Sunday and I invited them both to be there for our 2 celebration services in October for the 3rd anniversary of IBM (wow!). It's so fun to see people who have such openness to spiritual things and I wonder if I might be able to get to know her daughter since we are close in age and both have little girls. I'm also thankful for a husband who is friendly and can talk to anybody!

1 comment:

mims said...

Three years ... does that even seem real? How good God is to provide open doors to build relationships like that. And, as for the smog, we have that happen (much less frequently) right here in FFG when the dumptrucks and other construction trucks belch black smoke as they chug through their gears. You just want to shake 'em (the drivers, not the trucks).