Thursday, September 09, 2010

Jehovah's witnesses

I headed up into town this morning after my swim for my monthly prenatal check-up. Today was the first day in a long time that it's started out bright and shiny with no clouds in the sky. I was totally loving being squished in the back of a taxi trufi with 2 large men, cause I got the window seat and had the sun on my face and wind in my hair. I arrived about 40 minutes before my appointment was scheduled so I walked up to a large plaza to sit on a bench in the sun and to pray. Shortly into my moment of silence, an older, nicely-dressed woman walks over and asks if she can read some scripture to me. I informed her that I was a Christian and she said that was fine and she'd like to read the scripture anyway. I said that'd be great and she opened to Isaiah to read about the faithfulness of God and about His watchcare over us. I felt like the Holy Spirit was using her to speak truth directly into my soul and was grateful to hear God's word spoken to me. I asked her at one point if she spent her days witnessing to people in the plaza and she said she is usually with a group but they hadn't shown up yet. I asked her if they were from a particular church and she answered they were Jehovah's witnesses. Ah! I should have known. There are tons of those guys around here and they often knock on our door on Saturday mornings. She explained that the one difference they have from Christians is that they don't believe in the unity of the trinity. God comes in 3 different forms and is, in fact, 3 different gods. I asked her about the verse that says "The Lord your God, the Lord is one." As that verse sprang to mind, I prayed that I would remember where it was found. I couldn't. Then we looked at John 1 and she showed me from her Bible where it says, "...the Word was with God and the Word was a god." What?? Is this a Bible that only Jehovah's witnesses use? I ask. "Oh, no", she assures me, "There is only one word of God". Yes, but I promise my Word says something different- namely, "The Word was God." Uno. One God. I had already decided I wasn't going to get into a theological debate with her. So, I explained I had a doctor's appointment I needed to get to and that I believe the mystery of the trinity is that the 3 persons of the trinity are one God and that the only way to Him is through Christ. She thanked me for listening and I left praying for her eyes to be opened to the truth. I was impressed by 2 things by this JW: one, she knew her scripture, probably better than I. I couldn't remember where the key verse was that states that the Lord is one. Two, she was out walking up to strangers in order to share scripture with them and convince them of what she is convicted of. She probably does this frequently. How often do I do this? Even with people who aren't strangers? Very challenging...

Then I had a fantastic visit with my obstetrician. Every time I see her I am so thankful that we have found her and wish it could have been that she was our doctor with Natty. Her line of thinking is so much more natural than anyone else I have talked to here and I feel so confident that, barring some unforeseen medical problem, I'll be able to have a VBAC with this baby. Hooray for good doctors!

1 comment:

melissa said...

Ooooh boy... I have some JW stories. But they'll have to wait for another time, lol. But what I DID want to comment on is: Hurray for your awesome doctor!! What a sweet answer to prayer. =] I hope God grants a beautiful VBAC for you Lisa!!