Monday, October 25, 2010

A good day.

As much as I don't want to admit it to myself, I know that there will be good days and bad days in our journey with Zion. I want to think that because today was a good day, all will be well and nothing more serious will happen to our little boy. I really, really want to believe that. But, I know that the fact of the matter is that he will continue to pass through tests and so will we. But for today, I will rejoice. We called the doctor this morning to check in on our son- it seems that the major things he has experienced thus far were in the night. The doctor said he was very stable all night and no intervention was necessary. Oh, how I prayed for this! And then I actually got some milk when I pumped! Pumping with Natalie was always stressful because I never seemed to produce much and I wasn't looking forward to going back to this chore a recommended 8-10 times a day for Zion. However, I am grateful that my milk has come in without needing a medicinal push and that I'm actually making something that will help him get big and strong. Scotty and I enjoyed 45 minutes or so with Zion and he even gripped my hand and kicked his legs in response to our chitter-chatter and touch. The doctor told us his brain looks good, his blood tests are coming back very positive and that they have much hope that even though his situation is still critical, he is responding very well to the treatments they are doing and that he is a fighter. My son is a fighter! Scotty and I are such chill people that I never expected to have one of those children that could be labeled "fighter". But it makes me very happy. While Scotty was out trying to get a boot off our car, I had a lovely conversation with the nurse on duty. I was really hoping to get to know the nurses on staff and our doctors as well, realizing that they are the ones caring around the clock for Zion and making sure he is surviving. This was a perfect opportunity and as she asked questions about our lives, I found myself able to share my faith and what exactly we believe as expressed in the Bible. I found out that she also had a preemie baby, earlier and smaller than Zion, and can empathize with our trials. How neat to know that this woman who is caring for my son, was in my shoes a decade or so earlier! So, I returned home very content with my visit, hoping for more like it, and thankful for so many of you who have been praying and sending beautiful notes our way. This is definitely one way that God uses of sustaining us in these times and although I can't respond to you all, know that I am touched by each line we receive from you. And now, I am alone at home- Scotty off to see Zion and Natty playing at a neighbor's house. The windows are open, the skies are blue and I can rest. God, thank you for rest!


beth said...

Oh, Lisa! I'm so glad to hear all this good news. So many graces today! We will continue praying diligently for your little fighter.

Lots and lots of love to all of you!

Michelle said...

Awesome Lisa. Thanks for sharing with us. I like the idea of one of your kids being a fighter. Maybe someday I'll have to come teach him a little Bolivia-style tae kwon do. :)

Wendy Johnson said...

Thanks for sharing this good news and we pray that each day will be better as Zion grows and gets stronger. We pray for strength and comfort for you and that Zion will grow bigger and stronger each day. Great to hear that he's a fighter!

ML said...

So happy you're able to rest and that things seem to be going well right now. I'm praying for peace for you and strength for that sweet little Zion. Aren't those nurses such special people? To think what it takes to motivate a woman to devote herself to the care of premature and sick takes a dear heart to do that. I was often in awe of the women watching over little Aili. It was like I was sharing my mothering duties with them and I felt a comraderie with them because of it. May the Lord bless those relationships with them you're building! Rest in Him, friend.