Monday, August 11, 2008

More fun in third trimester

I've recently thought of a few more particular experiences accompanying the 3rd trimester. And I'm now in my ninth and final month! You could be very pregnant if...

10. ...there is a hefty creature in your belly that braces her feet against both sets of ribs and attempts calf-raises.

9. ...after using the bathroom, you get up to find you immediately need to use it again (or is someone sitting on my bladder?).

8. ...those cute little kicks and taps you felt a few months ago have now turned into the jabs and drags.

7. ...when you get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, you feel as though you had a full body workout earlier in the day (oh, if only I could still work out). Why is this?

6. ...every day brings the sensation at some point that you've been horsebackriding for several hours- ouch.

5. realize that even though those adorable, tiny baby clothes are small, they sure make for a lot of laundry.

4. ...even though the books say you won't gain much weight in the last month, your appetite makes you wonder if you're the exception.

3. ...every night you go to bed thinking about what needs to be packed in the hospital bag/what is lacking in the nursery/how will you breastfeed discretely when the pastor comes by for a visit...

2. talk to the baby as if you will see her very soon.

1. ...every morning you wake up thinking that was one of the last good nights of sleep you will have, ever.


melissa said...

If you think you're hungry now, wait till you start nursing!! :) Enjoy these last few weeks, if you can. Pregnancy is a precious time. But even more precious will be your baby!! We're praying for a safe delivery. Blessings!

beth said...

We're praying for you in these last days of pregnancy. Hope you're able to get some rest even if sleep is elusive and no position comfortable for very long! What a joy it will be to meet baby girl Miser!

Love from all the Pinckneys