Saturday, August 02, 2008

Baby days

All my girlfriends who have recently had their first babies went home over the summer/winter to visit family and friends. But, they're now all back and as I see them and their new and/or bigger babies, I get excited to join the club and have my little girl too! Scotty and I are taking prenatal classes, sharing the time with just one other couple. You'd think that would be helpful in getting personal attention, which it is if you have a question, but unfortunately the style here doesn't seem to be very interactive. During the lactation class, the instructor held the doll and demonstrated different nursing positions, but we didn't get to touch a doll or practice anything ourselves...aren't we the inexperienced ones about to be thrown into the realities of breast-feeding? We are appreciative, however, for a very knowledgable teacher and classes ranging from breast-feeding to nutrition (seeing a professional nutritionist) to breathing techniques to baby massage. And my sweet husband even asked me this afternoon if I wanted to practice breathing and positioning techniques for when I'm in labor! He's the best. We're enjoying a calmer Saturday than usual, even though there's a lot of activity Scotty's been involved in with the church moving back to it's previous location at the school (from a small classroom to the cafeteria). But, because the ladies of the church are throwing me a shower today, we didn't have any Bible study prep to do and have enjoyed the sunny day walking, cooking, eating, doing devos together, and just now, breathing exercises. And now I'm off to my to follow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea! Wanna see the pictures! I love it when I come looking and find a new blog from you. Mims