Friday, June 09, 2006

A little smell of heaven

At the intersection of West Blvd and Tryon, there is the most delicious scent of freshly baked donuts (think of the nice soft kind that have crunchy sugar and cinnamon caked on the outside). It's strange for an intersection to have it's own smell, but I promise that night or day, as you drive through, you will smell the sweetness within a 3-block radius. It almost puts me into a trance each time I pass by and certainly has me drooling just a little as I picture my favorite donuts and imagine eating them. When I was little, my cousin and I used to stay up late after our parents had put us to bed and find scrap paper and markers to make "Please buy us donuts!!" signs. We would carefully illustrate them with sprinkles or dripping chocolate icing and then sneak into the kitchen after the adults were asleep, and tape them over the refrigerator, cabinents, oven, and onto the kitchen table. Our message needed to be proclaimed boldly and without fear! We would anxiously run into the kitchen the next morning with high expectations and grumbling tummies, and usually find that treasured box of Dunkins. We were spoiled kids.
I traveled through this magical spot on my way to a women's Bible study at the Pinckneys' yesterday morning, and was thankful I had already eaten so that the power of the scent wouldn't entice me to turn around and pick up a dozen. I was happily surprised at how many women in the church have free time in the morning, and wondered why we hadn't started this bi-monthly gathering earlier. The topic for the day was how to love your husbands- and as much as I adore Scotty, I could use some instruction and practical advice on how to love him better. I received much insight from the ladies who had been married longer than me and was greatly challenged to continue praying that God would change my selfishness into a desire to give of myself more. I struggle far too much with thinking about myself before I think of my husband, and God has been gracious in sanctifying me through him and blessing me with a man that is godly, forgiving, patient, and so loving. We are so enjoying this learning process.
I made my first home-style lasagna last night! Sometimes I experiement with so many different recipes that I forget to make the old classics that Scotty really enjoys. The crowd approved of this one and I felt the greatest success were nice, neat layers that didn't fall apart when I cut them. Oh, the simple pleasures of life!


Nicole said...

I was so encouraged by our time at Beth's! I certainly did not expect to see that many women there and was so happy when I was wrong! It was a wonderful time of fellowship and learning.

Next tiem you make that lasagna, you can invite the Kelly's over. I hear they LOVE a good lasagna! ;)

Unknown said...

No, us! Us!!!

I love the smell of the intersection in Concord right by that coffee factory! It's just past Aldi. I used to think I was just hallucinating...I would say, "Don't you smell that?!! It's COFFEE!" but I would see no signs! Then Sharon Leader eased my mind and told me that there is in fact a coffee place there.