Thursday, June 15, 2006

Beans 'n things

I can't blog long cause Scotty and I are about to take our nightly after dinner walk...but I want to catch everyone up on the events of the last few days. Tuesday night we had our first ever Miser Care Team meeting. This group incorporates some of the people we've come to know and love in Charlotte who are committing to meeting on a monthly basis to pray for us and our ministry as well as send care packages, letters, and keep us updated on what's goin on here while we're in Bolivia. We want to thank each of you for loving us in this way- words can't express how deeply grateful we are to have a team like this that makes us feel connected to home. We can't wait for you all to visit us in Mallasilla!!
Scotty and I had a date day on Wednesday because it was rainy and we felt "blah" inside ("blah", as non-descript of a word as it is, conveys a very accute sense of being emotionally out of whack or unsettled). We decided to hit Fuel for some pizza and make-your-own salad (my favorite, but leaves me full for all of 30 mins) and then headed to the uppity Barnes and Noble across from the South Park Mall. For such an intimidatingly ritzy area, I wasn't so impressed with this store, although they had comfy chairs in front of the coffee counter. I spent some time reading "Real Simple", one of my favorite browsing magazines, which claims to give you ideas on how to make your life more simple, but only if you have lots of money to spend on the products that bring about this revolution in your life. In reality, there are a few helpful tips, but mostly pretty pictures for me to gawk at. Scotty wrote some letters, very inspired from the responses we got to his letter writing blog, and then the mid-afternoon hungries got to us, so we retreated back to our house for a snack. However, we made one pit stop to Walgreens to buy a massive remote control with ridiculously large buttons as a joke for my dad. When we got home we made our own Father's Day cards (Scotty's idea) and stuck funny pictures of ourselves on them. I love having a resourceful husband! Wednesday night is always a joy as we meet up with our small groupies for some good discussion and prayer time.
After a succesful haircut today, I decided to try to finish off the mound of white beans I had sitting in my fridge starting to get a little too slimy for comfort. Don't worry, they still smelled fine. :) I mushed them up, added some egg, spices, and coated them in Italian bread crumbs to make bean patties. For a little extra flava, I heated up some marinara sauce to pour over the top....sounds pretty good, right? Don't try this at home. They tasted like chalky marinara patties. My food experiments have turned out great so far, but I have a bust from time to time. At least beans are good for you!


Unknown said...

The funny thing is, Lisa, that I was reading the bean patty story thinking, "wow, that sounds pretty good." Ha!

I guess I won't try it!

Nicole said...

Date days...hummm...forgot what those are like! ;) Glad you guys had a good time...sorry 'bout the bean patties!! :)