Sunday, June 18, 2006

Flying Scotty

Most of you know that we enjoy good movies and we have been adding to our list the classics that one or both of us have not seen. Chariots of Fire came out when I was a little too young to appreciate it (some of you would feel old if I told you how young- so I won't), so we happily popped it into our DVD player on Friday night, looking forward to a night at home with a busy weekend confronting us on the horizon. For those of you who haven't seen this movie or it's been a while since the last time, one of the main characters is a Scottish runner who was a missionary in China during the 1920's. He felt that God had called him to minister to the people there, but that God also made him to He said he could feel the Lord's pleasure as he ran, and wanted to use that as a way of speaking out about his faith as he entered training for the Olympics. The uniqueness of this man's running style was quite humorous and the newspapers dubbed him "the flying Scott". He seemed to flail is hands to the side, much as a woman in a heated cat-fight would do, throw back his head, and open his mouth widely. Well, of course, when the movie was over, we had to imitate the flying Scott by running in slow motion in our living room while the other chanted the movie's theme song from the couch (there were many slow-mo scenes throughout that inspired us). If you promise not to laugh (look if you dare), I'll show you my Scott's beautiful re-enactment.


Unknown said...

Wow Scotty, I can feel the wind on my face just looking at that photo!!! LOL!!

We LOVE that movie...and you included the best quote in your post..."When I run, I feel His pleasure."

Anonymous said...

Scotty and Lisa,
Chariots of Fire is a Pinckney family favorite, too. The rest of his story is compelling. Check out
to read a little more if you don't know what happened after the events portrayed in the movie.

Anonymous said...

Yep, this picture comes close to Lisa's dinosaur/lizard impersonation. I love it!!!
Love, Jennie Mc