Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Land of Possibilities

Ok, so Cochabamba isn't magical or anything (but almost)...but it feels so good to be here for several reasons:

One: It's warm, even in the shade! Natty and I sat out on towels this afternoon and watched the tree branches waving above us, felt the breeze on our faces, and relaxed. Natty stayed up much longer than she ever does, I think just cause it was so fascinating for her to be outside and not have to have a hat on and clothing covering every inch of her body to protect her from the harsh sun. She didn't even have pants on (gasp!). I think she saw her own toes for maybe the 3rd time in her life- and she loved it. I loved it. It was truly a magical moment for us. I wish I had the camera...

Two: Food. Cochabambinos are known for eating, lots, and often. I went out to lunch with a friend and her baby that is 2 days older than Natty. We ate yummy food and Natty actually fell asleep in my lap, which she wouldn't do at home (after crying for a bit though). Maybe I just never give her the opportunity, but I felt like she could handle it here...or maybe I just didn't have another option.

Three: The SIM gueshouse. Special people; always meeting someone new; homemade granola every morning; large, clean bathrooms; wifi; beautiful gardens/lawn; old German shepherd that licks Natty's hands; kitchen staff that remember me from my days as a single, working with youth here.

Four: It's the city where Scotty and I fell in love. Isn't that enough? And it has donuts. And a really nice movie theatre with a food court. OK, those things help too.

So, we're happy here. Relaxing. Eating well. Do I have to leave on Saturday?


Steve said...

I can just picture you smiling as you write this! Glad you are having such a great time. Enjoy! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're all having such a good time! Thanks for posting during your trip! I miss talking to you this week! We're gone this weekend, but maybe we can catch up next week! Love and miss you guys!

titanium said...

What do you mean Cochabamba isn't magical? Of COURSE Cochabamba is magical. :) (ex-Cochabambina here)

Glad you are having a hooray sort of time- I'm a little jealous you get to hang at the guest house and around town- and see Shebany (sp?)

Take care!
