Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We've been back in the US for about a week now and a lot has happened. Natalie did pretty well on her first plane trip, although she was too interested in the lights, people, sounds and movement to sleep very well. We were out of the house at 5am and didn't roll into Orlando until 8pm and she slept less than 2 hours that whole time! That made for a very long trip for me but she slept well that night to make up for it. The days have gone by quickly as we've tried to pack in some shopping, visiting people, and 3 days of wedding activities for my good friend Jennie. I am realizing now what everyone warned me about- it's really different travelling with a newborn! Some days have been better than others, but Natalie has probably had some of her more difficult days while we've been here. Maybe they are harder for me because she lost any sense of schedule that she was working her way into. Some days she'll sleep tons and eat infrequently, other days she'll want to eat every hour and not sleep at all! I'm trying to be flexible and understand that there are many changes, both in her and her surroundings, that are contributing to what is going on. It's so great to be with my parents so that Scotty and I can get out for short spurts to run errands or jog or whatever. We're hoping to have our first baby-free date this week at our favorite local pizza joint.
The first day back, we were enamored with the US. Everything is nice and clean and green (at least in Florida) and so many coveniences! We have been quite spoiled here by our friends and family. But, we continue to think of our beloved Bolivia, our friends there and the church. I know God is going to use this time to really refresh us and get us excited to be back in the place where He has called us to serve. Although we are thrilled to be back for now and enjoy all that America has to offer, our hearts remain in La Paz. But, oh, how I wish Bolivia had a Target...


beth said...

Praying that your time will be restful and refreshing. How wonderful to have grandparents to love on Natalie and give you two and chance for some couple time. Enjoy.

Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family you have...and a beautiful bridesmaid too! Your daughter is so cute!

God bless your time in the US!