Monday, April 21, 2008

Workshop results

The parenting workshop went really well- we had about 100 people there! Joe and Denise, our guest speakers, have incredibly Biblical, practical, creative methods of parenting that captured everyones attention and challenged us all. From those of us on our way to being parents to those with teenage kids, there was a lot to glean from this wise couple of almost 11 children. It was a bummer that they had to leave all their kids behind in Cochabamba, but they were able to say with honesty to us that they were totally and completely comfortable leaving all the younger ones in the hands of their 17 year old son, knowing no one else would do a better job of taking care of them. They talked of writing goals for your children before they reach the stage of that goal and working toward building your kids from little ones into admirable, respectable, loving children. We definitely want to do that. They talked about how parenting styles change in the different age ranges. They talked about your kids as older teenagers coming to regard you as a peer and coming to you for advice instead of you seeking them out to give it. There was tons of positive feedback from those who attended and we'll be following up with small group discussions for the next 4 weeks. We lead one of these groups, but humbly seek the imput of those who are already experiencing these difficulties and victories in raising children.

On Sunday afternoon, we had the pleasure of eating lunch with Joe and Denise and heard some of their advice for new parents. A lot of it centered on keeping our marriage a priority and healthy even when the baby might have a tendency to suck you dry and be your only focus in life. They encouraged keeping romance alive and getting babysitters so that we can get out on dates. Denise warned me that it can be even easier for the mom to become completely wrapped up in her baby and forget about her husband, and that he still needs love and my time. Joe told us that we would find many moments of utter frustration and exhaustion when all the yucky sin comes to the surface and all we want to do in that moment is take a nap. He said that these moments are the ones that God meant to lead you to the cross in search of forgiveness and sanctification as he uses the baby to reveal the heart and continue the process of cleaning it. I can't imagine any more yuck coming to the surface than what marriage has already brought out in me- I'm sure I'm in for a real eye-opener! What a gift to be surrounded by couples like these who are a few steps ahead in parenting and following the Lord as they do it.

1 comment:

Spirit of Adoption said...

Sounds REALLY good!!!! I'd love to get some time with that couple! They sound great!!!! : )