Saturday, April 05, 2008


I'd love to fill everyone in on our adventures down south, but pictures say a thousand words and I have no way of uploading them you'll just have to wait until we get home next week. But, needless to say, we are having a wonderful, relaxing, tiring (lots of walking) time in Buenos Aires and buying cute outfits for our baby girl! That's right, we found out right before we left that we're having a little girl- much to our surprise, having already set our minds on a boy. But, we're thrilled and enjoyed a 4D dissection of our baby at the clinic where I'll have her- looking at facial features, heart chambers, legs, arms, fingers, etc... Technology is rather amazing and so much cheaper in Bolivia! So, I wanted to share with those of you eager to know. I'm officially the 4th of my (foreign) friends here in La Paz having a baby girl this year- it must be the altitude. :)


Spirit of Adoption said...

Congrats on the little girl!!!!!! : )

Nicole said...

Yeah for girls!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to say...they are fun to buy for!!

undergroundcrowds said...

yeah, a girl for a change. everyone seems to be having boys.