Thursday, January 17, 2008

All's quiet

I don't like to write without posting a picture, so I thought I'd introduce you to Jaw Dog. Now, I don't know what her real name is, or if she even has one, but Scotty and I have taken to naming the majority of the stray dogs in the neighborhood (and if you've ever been to Bolivia, you know there's about as many stray dogs as people, if not more). Jaw dog was hit by a car at some point and has a jaw that healed crooked- she's one of my favorites. Shortly after moving in, we came about the scene of another accident involving her pup, who we've named "Cria" (offspring), who had just gotten his leg broken by a car. Cria still has a twisted front leg, a little grotesque to look at, but gets around quite fine and is growing up into a handsome, strong little dog.
So, things have been pretty quiet around here for the past week or so. So, why haven't I written, you ask? Maybe because there just hasn't been much going on. Scotty was on schedule to preach the Sunday after my parents left, and so he spent the majority of that week preparing, while I caught myself up on some administrative tasks around the office. This week has been more emailing, errand running, and general house wife duties- stuff I actually really enjoy. Up until Carnaval has passed, people lay pretty low around here, and even church responsibilities have lightened significantly. My friend Jana had her little girl, Emma, on Saturday, and I've spent a little bit of time visiting her in the hospital and enjoying their first baby. We picked up my good friend Whitney and her new husband, Tim, from the airport on Tuesday and have seen the rest of our missionary friends and aquaintances trickle in as well. I'm pretty sure we are the only missionaries in our circle who did not travel during the holidays. Our nights have been nice and quiet- playing games, reading, watching movies, taking walks...we like this time.


Anonymous said...

Oh, its so nice now to be able to read your blog and "see" so clearly the people, places and things you write about including "Jaw Dog"!! The Lord's kindness in allowing us to travel there and live your life with you for nearly a month will be appreciated over and over again with each posting we read. I've got my photos set as Dave's screen saver so we are getting to see those over and over as well.

molly said...

I will definitely take you to Tim's Bakery next time you visit!!! I especially love it when you get them when they are still a little warm!

Hope you are doing well! I check your blog often and pray for you guys. It's always fun to hear what's going on in your world. One day we'd love to come visit...and you definitely need to take us to the hot springs place! :)