Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New Traditions

A tradition my family has had since I can remember is eating cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning to start out the festivities. This is one tradition I am happy to bring into my new family with Scotty, although we don't have the ease of popping open a can of rolls, but have to make them from scratch. This challenges my growing appreciation of cooking and I was happy to work on these beauties Christmas Eve, looking forward to celebrating our first Christmas together in Bolivia.
Most of the other activities we had planned this season were new traditions for us. One of our favorites is celebrating the holidays how Bolivians celebrate. This means staying up late on Christmas Eve, counting down until midnight (which is when they celebrate Christ's birth) and then enjoying picana, a meaty soup that is eaten at this time. Then you sit around with the family until all hours of the morning, or until you can't keep your eyes open anymore, which was about 2 for us and our friends James and Julie.

We were invited by close friends on our church-planting team, the Castellons, to spend Christmas Eve with them and get a taste of a traditional Bolivian celebration. We are thankful to have families like this that desire for us to become a part of their family and experience what they do.Christmas day was a great joy for us. We woke up semi-early to share breakfast and gifts together before friends started rolling in about 1pm.

Scotty is sporting his new Bolivian soccer jersey he received from me.
We had an eclectic southern/traditional dinner which included the old favorites like stuffing and sweet potato casserole, but included new foods like grilled sausage, baked beans, coleslaw and cornbread- yum!! Our friend Randy brought his guitar and we sang Christmas carols and praises to our Savior, whose birth we were so happy to rejoice in together. If you know us at all, you know Settlers of Catan is a must when we get together with friends, and even though we were twice as many for this 6-player game, we got a round going that lasted till the evening. Some scattered off, but the die-hards stuck around for silly youth group style games and a movie, wrapping up the day around 2am.

What an amazing way to start new traditions, ones we hope will last for years to come as we make life in a different country!


Anonymous said...

We can almost feel as if we were there with you. Lisa, I love the gift God has given you of writing so well about the day to day events as you experience them. Your cinnamon rolls looked soooo gooood! Speaking of cooking, Papi really liked the looks of a number of the recipes in the cookbook you sent to Amanda.

beth said...

Your Christmas celebration sounded wonderful. I'm glad you could enjoy both old and new traditions. The cinnamon rolls looked yummy. Good job, Lisa. You are tackling the challenge of cooking in Bolivia in fine style. We miss you and pray that God will richly bless you in the coming year. In Him,

Melanie said...

It looks like you all had a fine celebration! So tell me, what's the weather like down there in December? Is it much different that FL?