Sunday, September 23, 2012

Natty turns four.

They grow up quick.  Everyone says it, but you don't know just what it means until it happens to your children...especially your first one.  Often I tell Natty her birth story, per her request, and sometimes it seems like it was ages ago that it all happened.  But, when our first born little girl turns 4, it seems like only yesterday!  She has changed so incredibly much in such a short period of time.  She's always been a sweet, sensitive little girl and her life has taught me so much.  Being a mother is a journey of learning to die to self, be patient, re-examine what grace means in your life and in the lives of others and to depend on God.  Natty is fun, silly, smart, an amazing conversationalist, talks to adults like an adult, loves to read, loves to play games, still takes a great 2-hour afternoon nap, is timid in groups, loves to play in water, just learned to ride a bike (with training wheels), eats almost anything, adores her Daddy, is such a sweet big-sister that surprises me with her love for Jubilee, wants to adopt a little brother, always wants to wear skirts, can melt-down in a heartbeat, admits that it's very hard sometimes to obey, is very cautious, doesn't like dolls and has practically memorized her Jesus Storybook Bible.  She has gotten to an age of asking good questions about faith and God and started her first ballet class a couple months ago.  It is a privilege to be her mother and I am so proud of the little person that is being formed before my eyes.

We decided to go to Lake Titicaca to our favorite fish restaurant to celebrate her birth.  She loves to be around water and this particular place takes you out on a little boat ride after your meal.  Because there was a possibility of blockades on her actual birthday, we went the day before with our friends, the Hursts (with 2 of their girls), and our house helper's 2 daughters.  It always takes longer to get out of the city than we think.  After driving up a couple thousand feet to El Alto (the slum city that lies right above us), you are often redirected because of huge holes in the road, marches, construction, parades, markets or just grid-lock.  I never cease to be amazed by this interesting and broken-down city filled with crazy drivers and exhaust.  But, after getting out, it's smooth sailing along the Andean plateau with snow-capped peaks, llamas, and fields of crops all around.  When we got to the hotel where our favorite restaurant is, it seemed empty.  When I walked in, 3 guys that worked there were dancing around twirling napkins.  They looked sheepish when I said hello and asked if they were serving lunch that day.  One guy looked like he might have to disappoint me, but said he'd check in the kitchen.  He confirmed, to my relief, upon returning that they were serving lunch and were just scaling our freshly caught trout!  The girls played while the grown-ups chatted and we all tried to ignore our growling tummies (we didn't get to the place until about 1:30).  But, was it worth the wait!  Freshly baked bread, salad, home-made corn soup, and absolutely delicious, fresh fish.  We brought along the cupcakes Natty and I had baked the day before and enjoyed all of this while gazing out on the enormous, sparkling lake.  The skies were clear and were that incredible blue of a place with little atmosphere. I don't think I've ever seen water glimmer like I do when we're at Lake Titicaca.  We took a short spin out on the hotel's boat after lunch and then packed it back in the Landcruiser for the return trip.  The way back took even longer when we got to El Alto where the festivals of Day of the student/love/friendship were in full swing, but we made it back home about half an hour before people started arriving for our small group. We were so tired on Natty's actual birthday after our day trip (and Bible study until almost midnight), that we just stayed home and did things Natty loves to do- big breakfast, movie watching, family walk and family game-playing.  Happy birthday to my precious big girl!


Steve said...

What a loving and beautiful tribute to a very sweet little girl. This is a wonderful blog, and it will mean the world to Natty when she is old enough to read it for herself. As always, your descriptive writing draws us into your world, where we can share with you your love for each other. Thank you. Happy Birthday, Natty! We love you all.

beth said...

I was going to write something else, but I read Steve's comment and just want to second everything he said. Lisa, thank you for constantly living before us, showing us all what it means to be in Christ, in all its beauty and struggles.

Sounds like it was a wonderful birthday celebration for Natty! Give her a big hug from us.

Peg said...

Happy birthday Natty! :) Praying for you Lisa! Love you friend.

Mims said...

Steve said it so very well and also Beth. I had already shut the computer down for the night and booted up again just hoping to find a new blog - and was happily rewarded.