Tuesday, December 07, 2010


Today it's gloomy outside. Matches my emotional state. I'm listening to somewhat melancholy instrumental Christmas music and trying not to cry in front of Natty again. I'm looking at the Christmas tree and thinking how I wish this would be a happy holiday this year. And I start thinking again the most random thoughts...this seems to be happening a lot lately. I wonder if Christmas, or Christ's birth, was a little melancholy for the Lord, too. For us, it means the birth of our Savior- the only one that can bring us life. For God, it meant sending His son to die. That must have been a little bittersweet, too. So, I'm glad we're in this together.

The other night I wondered if they celebrated some form of Christmas in heaven. I mean, they're celebrating Christ all the time, so I can't imagine they do. But I was thinking about Zion and I wanted to think he was having the most amazing Christmas there in the Lord's presence. Maybe he could even play baby Jesus in heaven's reenactment of Christ coming to earth. He was supposed to be born at Christmas, too...

A few nights ago I was praying on my way to bed and telling God again how much I just want Zion back. I started wondering how I would react if God said, "Ok, Lisa, you can have Zion back. But, remember, if I give him life on earth, he will have joy, but nothing compared to being here with me. What's more, he will have suffering that he would never experience if he were to stay in heaven. Do you really want him back?" I realized how true that is. My son was saved a lot of pain by being able to go to his eternal home "early". As much as I would be overjoyed to have my son with me, as a mother, I would sacrifice that for him to stay by the Lord's side. Although if I could have stopped him from dying- I surely would have.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Thank you, Lisa, for continuing to allow us a glimpse into your heart and mind as you come to terms with God's plan for your life as well as sweet Zion's. Though you see it as "random", it is your faithful and Christ-filled life lived out before us, even when there are pain, disappointment and tears. I can't help but see God's hand and touch working in you as you process everything that has been given you. Even through those tearful moments, you see God's mercy and everlasting joy. Zion will have a Christmas none of us can even fathom, healthy and joyful in the embrace of Christ. I pray our Christmas together, even with it's sad and melancholy moments, will be filled with the sweetness of God's presence and the sure knowledge of His ultimate sacrifice. We love you and pray for you earnestly.