Tuesday, March 02, 2010


This weekend was busy. We knew from Friday on the days would be full of meetings and Bible studies and get-togethers and even though they would take most of our waking minutes (or the preparation for them), we were excited to be involved with our teammates and the ones God has sent us here to serve, our fellow church members. We had one particular meeting that lasted almost 5 hours with the leaders of IBM. Greg started us out by asking fantastic, challenging questions about our dreams and goals and I found myself wondering why those words scare me. I don't consider myself a visionary and even though I am a type of leader, I don't consider myself the one that launches out to start new ministries. I found it difficult to think, off the top of my head, in terms of a specific plan I would want to put into place if I had to leave La Paz in one year. I found myself thinking of the common, daily interactions I seek out with women in the neighborhood (which aren't yet daily, but I'm hoping they will become), inviting people over for dinner and talking about life, hosting events, baking for those who just had a baby. These are things I love to do but I can't say that I have a plan of action regarding them, other than praying that God would more and more give me His heart for these women and families and more of a pure passion to serve them. I felt a little guilty that I didn't seem to have the same kind of vision as others in the group. I'm still wrestling with what all of it means for me...

One thing I found rather encouraging was when my pastor began to remind everyone that even these handful of hours we were spending together was a small sacrifice for our church. He talked of the missionaries, including us, who have left behind our country and our families, sacrificing time that grandparents get to spend with their grandchildren, birthdays, sad occasions, celebrations, etc... in order to come here and live and work alongside Bolivians. I found what he was saying to be true, but instead of a self-satisfaction in being recognized as one who has given up much, I instead found myself thinking of how generous God has been with me and Scotty to invite us to be a part of His kingdom in La Paz. How privileged we are that God would choose such imperfect creatures to be a part of a perfect plan. How blessed we are to be friends with our friends and experience a culture that is so rich in love, hospitality and generosity. We have given up much, but we have been given so much more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I felt the same way when we lived in Bolivia. It was such a joy to serve Him there. The people in Dios es Amor and the country churches we visited were so loving and kind to John and I and our children. Pray God will continue to use you there to reach out to those that do not know Christ.
