Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lisa turns 30!

I turned 30 yesterday. I'm now in the same decade as Scotty, for the first time ever. I have a wonderful husband, an adorable, sweet baby girl and live in an incredibly beautiful place where God is at work around us. I am content at 30. Although, it does feel weird to say I'm 30...
We ran some errands in town on Friday and took a break to play with the rocks in the "park" outside of the office. Natty LOVES rocks. She wants to marry them. There are tears when you take her away from them. It's tragic.
She enjoyed sharing rocks with this cute little girl who was hanging out with her mom at the park. A couple poor ladies hang out in this 8-10 car parking lot everyday, all day, hoping to "watch" the cars that park there and get paid about $.15 or $.20 to make sure the cars don't get stolen or damaged...I'm not sure what would happen if someone attempted it.
Let the festivities begin. Apparently, this copious, American-style breakfast buffet has existed for eons at a nice hotel in town- but we never knew about it. We do now. And we ate until ready to pop. It was glorious and Natalie was an angel.
They bribed her with Mickey Mouse-esque pancakes. She really liked the "mit", which is how she says "meat".
Good friend Andrea, along with her husband, Andy, and their four adorable boys joined us over a leisurely all-you-care-to-eat pigout.
Once Natty finished the "mit", she headed outside to try to get as wet as possible and soil the white, velour pants I put on her that morning in a moment of insanity.
Can you tell that Natty has passed her morning nap time? She was still an angel.
After Scotty volunteered to get up early, as I usually do, to make coffee and get Natty, he presented me with this funky, cool ring. I love it.
We rounded out the day with a visit to the "MegaCenter"- La Paz's new mall which houses a beautiful, new movie theatre. We saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D because they didn't have it in English in the normal 2D...who cares to watch Johnny Depp dubbed in Spanish?? Not me. We adored the movie.
So, my birthday was all I hoped it would be. I am blessed.


Spirit of Adoption said...

sounds like a wonderful day!!! YAY! Natty is beautiful!!! And LOVE that ring! :)

Giulian said...

I think we have the same birthday if its March 20th. Happy Birthday!

the johnson crew said...

Happy 30th birthday Lisa. I am glad your day was full and special.

Yes, beautiful ring.

Atticus! said...

Happy 30th!!!!!!

Megan Del Castillo said...

Birthday fun in La Paz....and you and I seem to have had mirror weekends....
-went to 3-d Alice (which I loved too!)
-then Casa Grande this morning.
And, as everyone else, the ring! where is it from?

mims said...

Have you considered that Natty's love of rocks could be genetic??? When Papi & I were in County Clare, Ireland and he saw how very rocky the terrain there is, he commented, "No wonder you love rocks so much!" (The Halley's from whom I'm descended came from County Clare)Great photos and, as usual, a great post! Thanks.

melissa said...

Happy Birthday, Lisa! I turned 30 last year and finally entered the same decade as my husband too. :) The funny thing is that Grace is so used to us being in different decades that she sometimes now thinks Richard is 48 instead of 38! We had to explain that for 3 years our ages will start with the same number. :)

Sounds like your birthday was really fun - I adore the ring! Scotty has good taste, as is already obvious. :) Enjoy your first year in a new decade of life.