Friday, December 18, 2009


I was in Barnes & Noble yesterday, settled into a comfy chair and enjoying the privilege of reading through magazines without buying them. Seated next to the door, I heard many bits of conversations as people exited the building. A black mother and daughter passed by when I heard the girl, of about 8 years old, ask her mom: "Is Jesus really white?". I only caught the beginning of what must have been an interesting conversation, which started with the mom explaining that Jesus isn't really white- it's just a marketing ploy. Anyway, it definitely had me looking differently at the things that look normal to me.

I'm enjoying reading through an advent devotion book written by professors at Gordon Conwell, where Scotty is taking classes, as a way of focusing my thoughts on what is most important this season. I can't say I haven't gotten caught up in the shopping and buying and even expectations of what is "Christmassy". But, with the rare chance to be in the states with family this year, I am more aware of the things that make Christmas truly a blessed season. I also am constantly aware of the trends we set now affecting our children down the road and often ponder how to make this a Christ-centered time.
Natalie has started standing on her own a little bit more and has taken to crawling around the house, not on hands and knees, but hands and feet (much like you would see a monkey walking). It's quite humorous and also makes me think she is getting to like that sensation of her flat feet touching the ground. It won't be long now! My hope is that she can walk around the La Paz airport to show off to our Bolivian friends who come to pick us up...although I'm not sure I'll want her exerting herself at that altitude. Either way, she'll be a hit!


beth said...

Missing you all! I walked 8 this morning and thought of you. The Sneads and Halls will be here this Sunday - wish you were, too. But I know you are enjoying time with your folks.

Lots of love,

mims said...

It is interesting to note that this year I am hearing more about Jesus' humanity ... heard an excellent sermon on that topic yesterday ... even Papi commented about it as we left church.