Sunday, August 02, 2009


We've been counting down the last week to our big, month-long trip to Tennessee to visit Scotty's parents. Yesterday was the big day and came after a few days of gathering all our belongings that seemed to have been spread throughout the house, something I'm beginning to understand as normal once you have a child, and some good-byes to friends and family. But, we'll be back in December! My parents had planned to drive us half-way to an outlet mall in Georgia where we'd meet Scotty's parents, have lunch, and drive the second 4 1/2 hours or so to their house. As we set off down the interstate, there was an unplanned lift-off, of sorts, which came in the form of our car top carrier, holding Natty's stroller, new (used) hiking backpack and pack 'n play, flying from the roof of our car. It was like a scene in a movie, usually quite amusing to those watching, but a bit horrific if it's your stuff...or stuff you're borrowing from your church, in the case of the stroller. (Sorry Vineyard, we'll replace it.) We heard the pop and I immediately looked behind me to see a large, black lump being quickly approached by a large, red truck doing about 80. He managed to aim so that he didn't drive right on top of it, but couldn't help catching the bag with his underbelly, strewing the contents all over the road, into the path of a few others. By the time Scotty and my dad arrived at the scene of the crime, the only salvagable items were the pack in play, saved by the floor of the crib that you wrap around the frame and the backpack. We just realized today that the pack is also a gonner. I have to say I was very disappointed and frustrated at the extra cost that we will incur because of this accident, but as my mother in-law has reminded me, God knew this was to happen and had a reason for not preventing it.

So, we see a new chapter of the trip beginning, and the first chapter closing. Time always moves faster than you want or expect it to, but we have a lot of good memories and exciting times ahead. Natalie is getting the chance to see her cousins again and is now at an age to really enjoy watching them, even though she's a bit young to play. We're enjoying the company of the whole Miser clan together, which doesn't happen very often. Thursday we'll take another road trip to Ohio to see some supporters there and look forward to this more active segement of our home assignment.


beth said...

Oh Lisa, sooo sorry about losing all that stuff. It will be a great story to tell in the future. But I know you are a bit disappointed. What kind of pack was it that you bought?

We can't wait to see you when you get to Charlotte!

Anonymous said...

Bummer!!! How frustrating!! I'm sorry about the stuff, esp. the new pack! I hope you can find some great replacement deals. And I'm SO thankful that you are all safe! Stuff can be replaced! Glad you're safely in TN enjoying the Miser clan. I'll look forward to pics. Love ya, girl!
-Laura Shanks