Friday, June 12, 2009

Friendly ladies, cranky baby

I had one of those afternoons where just about everyone wanted to talk to or touch Natty- and she wasn't having any of it. The first tooth just arrived last night, and with it, a heightened degree of fusiness that we have not experienced before. So, as we arrive at the pediatrician's office, I'm happy that she seems to be entertained by a young girl sitting across from her. Then, this old lady sits down next to us, practically on top of my diaper bag, and starts mumbling incoherently. Then comes the touching. There is no etiquette on baby-touching here- it was the same way with the pregnant belly...if you can reach it, you can touch it. So here come the hands toward the face- very dirty hands, I must tell you- and there was lots of face groping and patting and caressing, as well as hand grabbing. And all the while, mumbling. I wondered where this lady came from and who was responsible for her. She held out her hands several times like she wanted me to hand the baby over to her. I'm not too down with giving my baby to very old, dirty-hands lady that doesn't seem to know how to speak. I smiled and prayed that she was healthy (we were in a doctor's office waiting room) and shook my head, explaining that she scares easily- which is true. She was border line about to bawl but seemed rather fascinated with this cloudy-eyed woman. Then, up she went and back she came with her caregiver/daughter/younger friend (??), who sat down on the other side and started stroking Natty's head. Now they were coming from two directions and I thought I might just bust out of my seat and politely explain I needed to go to the restroom. The pair eventually moved to another row of seats where there were two open together, but the old lady would periodically come back, almost trying to take Natty out of my arms, and the younger one would say, "no, honey, you're going to drop her.". Oh, boy. So then, after a traumatic visit with the pediatrician, in which Natty screamed her head off the entire time like that little measuring tape they put around her head were squeezing her brains out, we went back into the waiting room to wait for the nurse to come and give her 2 injections- perfect. So, a little girl came over who appeared to have pink eye and started babbling a mile a minute about babies and how they eat and what her little sister is like and also interpretting every sound Natalie made..."She wants to eat the grapes whole. She wants to eat them faster. She's bored." Again, I wondered who was responsible for this child. Of course, Natalie likes small people, so she was trying to reach out and grab the girl's face, which had me a bit concerned about pink eye. But, at least she wasn't screaming...until the vaccinations. So, thankfully after that joy ride through the pediatrician's office, we came home and she was actually cute and happy and laughing until bedtime- which made up for all the screaming. God has given us a great gift in this little girl.


beth said...

Oh my! That wasn't easy sitting in the waiting room. And poor little Natty. You were incredibly patient. We'll pray N doesn't get pink eye! And when you get here, we promise to wash our hands and speak clearly - and remember you are the one taking care of the baby and know what you are doing :) But be forewarned, there will be plenty of ooohing and aaahing over that sweet girl.

Love you,

nicole said...

My body was all tense and stressed just reading this post! Glad Natty got some sleep! Hope she's in a better mood this morning. :-)

mims said...

I would have been tempted to request all would-be touchers to stand back 3 ft and "just look but don't touch". Would you dare to tell them she has some terribly contagious condition that they need to beware of? (You wouldn't HAVE to explain that the condition is severe cuteness!)