Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Our Natalie

I have to take a moment to brag on our baby. Everyone probably thinks their baby is the best, but I'm pretty sure our little girl is (or as one friend would say, best "on this side of the world"). She has reached this super fun stage where she chats happily in her crib in the early morning when I'm too tired to go in and get her, she smiles for strangers (which was definitely not the case a few weeks ago), she goes to sleep without any coaxing- naps and nighttime, she rarely cries, she loves to play by herself with toys, she's never afraid of dogs- no matter how big or loud they are and she gets a huge smile on her face when she sees me or her daddy. She really is such a joy to be around and is learning new tricks everyday. For example, I heard her whining in her crib just a few minutes ago, which is a bit unusual for her. I went in to check on her and she was lying on her tummy! This might not seem too exciting, but I've been trying to get her to roll from back to tummy for the longest time! Anyway, I could go on and on about our daughter. So, I will just sum it all up by saying she is a precious gift from the Lord and I am awed that He gave us the great responsibility of making her a disciple of Christ and getting to cuddle with her too!


mims said...

I just called "down the hall" to her Papi to check out this blog. Natty is a character. What a delight!!! I'm so happy that you are enjoying her soooo much. I hope what we are seeing is a sign of a great sense of humor.

beth said...

This just makes me smile! And the wonderful thing is that you will have many more occasions in her precious life to praise the giver of all good gifts who gives the amazing gift of children. We can't wait to meet this special little girl.

Lots of love,

Steve said...

If she's rolling to her tummy, can crawling be far behind?! She looks so adorable and happy. We can't wait to see her again. Love you all!

Anonymous said...

What a fun post! Yes, Natty may be the best in the Southern Hemisphere b/c I know Julienne is the best in the Northern Hemisphere! ;) So glad she is such an awesome baby!! Love you guys!

Danielle J. said...

I love this picture of her! She's growing up so fast!