Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Where does the time go?

I don't think I realized how long it's been since I've blogged cause we've been fairly busy around here. The weekend was crammed full of activities, as it usually is, but exceptionally good and uplifiting ones. We had a marriage seminar on Saturday, which about 40 couples attended, led by Pastor Phil and his wife Linda- from Faith's home church in Chicago. Scotty translated, his first opportunity to do so in a large, formal setting, and did fantastically. God has given him a special gift to do this well, with confidence, and a desire to learn how to do it better. We covered material from the book Love and Respect, which we are excited to read together to improve our marital communication and ways of interacting with each other. There were several "break out" times during the conference where you got together to discuss certain issues with your spouse. There were many serious conversations going on around the sanctuary at this time, some couples crying, some laughing, even a few arguing. But, there were definitely some things rising to the surface and being worked on- we like to see this. On Sunday, Phil and Linda invited all the missionary couples in La Paz to a more informal time of talking about having a healthy marriage and family on the mission field. They shared much from their own experiences and things God has taught them over the years, and then gave us all the opportunity to share what is on our hearts. The time was good and there was much brought up that made us all realize that we all tend to struggle with very similar issues. It's not often that you can get that many missionaries from different organizations into one place and be comforted by the fact that you are not alone. God really spoke to me in that time about some things He needed me to see about my personal relationship with Him and my individual ministry apart from Scotty. I have the feeling He is moving me into new territory and know that it will become even more apparent in the next couple months as we welcome our little daughter into the world.

The Lord has also been opening our eyes more fully to the needs of people around us. We've spent some time with several different individuals and families who are struggling in various ways, and although we know we don't have all the answers and can't "fix" them, God wants us to be a part of their suffering. And so we are also seeking ways to walk along side of our neighbors and friends and be a light in their dark worlds. It is a challenge not to take on their burdens and want to solve their problems, but we are often reminded that God's grace is big enough for all their needs and that it is His work alone to change their hearts. We pray He will do it.

And, I've officially (according to some sources) started my third and final trimester. What a gift God has given us in a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. We're slowly getting the nursery put together and look forward to my mom coming shortly before the due date to put some finishing touches on things. I think I'll feel more ready after prenatal classes and the hospital tour, because right now, having an infant in the house seems like a very foreign idea. But, the frequent taps on my belly from something inside remind me that she is not too far away from coming out to meet us!


undergroundcrowds said...

are you feeling huge? I can't wait!!! I bet you're pretty excited. Oh believe me, reality hits! one day they aren't there, the next day, they so are!

Spirit of Adoption said...

I can't believe you are in your 3rd trimester!!!! She IS coming soon! ; ) When is your due date exactly??

Nicole said...

Less than 90 days!!! It's hard to believe I'm about to type this...I miss being pregnant! I miss those little taps! :-P