Thursday, June 12, 2008


I know most of you out there are entering into those wonderful, sweltering summer months...but here in Bolivia we are reaching those frigid days where you wonder if you'll ever be able to sit inside your house in less than 3 layers. Will I ever sit down on the toilet without the painful shock of icy toilet seat? Will I ever be able to change clothes without feeling like I'm in a quick-change contest? Will it always hurt my nose and head to breath the air in the morning (even inside the house!). Does it really matter if I forget to put the milk away for most of the day? According to our super-duper inside/outside temperature gauge, it stays around the low-50's INSIDE the house all day long. Brrrr! Thanks Michelle for the ultra-warm maternity puffy black vest!!


Anonymous said...

Wow what I would give for some cold weather. Ok maybe not that cold. Hope you guys are well.

undergroundcrowds said...

just be grateful you're not meandering around 9 months pregnant in 100 degree weather. yikes. I haven't experience that, but I don't think I want to, either.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm glad someone is getting use out of it. It's so mega hot here!! Ugh!!!