Tuesday, September 25, 2007

New office!!

Well, after many extra weeks of waiting for the construction to be completed on our office, we are finally in! One of the main reasons we wanted to get an office in the city was so that we could have high speed internet that is not available to us where we live. The day we moved into the office, the internet died. It took about a week to get it up and running, but at only about half the speed it should be at. Now, we are having cable difficulties, and we can't seem to get the net arriving to all our computers. But, it's in process and we are not too surprised that things continue to come up that prohibit us from functioning fully as we like. Patience is the key! I am enjoying being outside of the house and checking emails, blogs, etc...as well as using our Vonage phone to call home!! If anyone wants to call us, we are usually here in the mornings and after lunch and our number is 352-505-8801 (Florida #). We'd love to talk!!

As I've been trying to catch up on blogs, I found out the sad news that Pastor John just lost a grandchild that was still in the womb, but almost full term. Reading that news and the responses of many led me to think about our own loss about a month and a half ago. There have been many ups and downs in this journey of hoping and waiting. We seem to be continually learning of friends becoming pregnant, including 2 good friends here in La Paz. We rejoice with them in what we know is a huge blessing from the Lord and yet our minds wander to what we thought we were going to have and wonder when God will allow us to have our turn again. I know it is no coincidence that I am studying Romans in my ESI class and being confronted often with the truth that our Lord is soverign and in control of even the smallest details of our lives. Scotty and I daily lean on Him and ask for the faith to trust in His wisdom for the future of our family. It is not always an easy road but one in which I see the hand of the Lord transforming my heart and my desires.


Unknown said...

the office sounds great but challenging, lisa! thanks for your honesty about thinking of your loss. praying for you guys today! love & miss you!

Nicole said...

I've been thinking alot about you guys in the last few weeks. Praying for you tonight. I'm going to try to call sometime this week. :-) Love nad miss you guys!