Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Land update

For those of you who receive our newsletters (let me know if you don't and want to!), you know that we have been praying about a piece of property that we found nearby that is for sale. The cool thing is that the guy who owns it did not plan on selling it originally- but because we take lots of walks around the neighborhood and frequently ask about land for sale, Scotty was able to make a connection with Macario and give him our phone number, just in case he ever decided to sell it. Not too much time passed after that before he called and explained that he was in need of money to finish building an apartment complex and he would be willing to talk with us- God's hand obviously at work. We've chatted off and on about the piece, but we weren't quite prepared to offer what he wanted for it. We continued to pray and he asked us to think about raising our offer and getting back to him. We lost touch for a month or so because he was in the process of moving, and we were starting to wonder if that wasn't God's way of showing us that wasn't the land He had for us. But, a day after praying again, on-site, Macario rang us up and wondered what we had decided. We had him over that very afternoon and once again made an offer that we felt good about. He accepted, afer a bit of discussion about it, and so we are one step closer to owning property! Today, we went to see a lawyer and show all the papers to her to make sure everything is in order and legal. In Mallasilla, nothing is very official, and we have heard numerous stories of land being sold to several parties, and then legal feuds resulting to figure out who is the real owner...that is never pretty. So, the lawyer was generally encouraging, although there are a few things of concern that she is going to help us investigate a bit more. We are getting very excited to think we might own land soon. I admit I am a bit scared because the process is something so new and foreign to us, as well as possibly tricky and definitely expensive. But we trust the Lord to provide for us and to take care of us, and we already see how He has given us great contacts in the area to help us along.


Anonymous said...

the key is to take your time and not make any sudden or rushed decisions and if you begin to feel yourselves being pushed, then back away and be sure everything is "kosher". Good to see a photo of the piece of property ... now to be able to place it in relation to where we walked and drove when you took us out to Mallasilla.

Unknown said...

Wow! that's exciting, Lisa! Keep us updated...

Thanks so much for your kind birthday wishes, too.

Anonymous said...
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