That's right folks, we have created Bud Miser...well, God did the hard part I'd have to say. We are happy to announce that we have been blessed with a baby, due February 11 and we are ecstatic! We've been talking, thinking, dreaming, and praying about this for some months, and now that it's reality, it's a little scary! But, I am enjoying the process of sharing the news with our friends here and receiving all kinds of interesting baby advice, which I might write a blog about in the future. I'm looking at maternity clothes online, since my options here are super limited, and we're looking forward to having a crib and other baby furniture made to our specifications to turn a guest room into the nursery. God is good in His perfect timing and it is an amazing and awe-inspiring thought that there is a real being inside of me that can live and form into a baby over the next 9 months. Join with us in praying for little Bud and the extra stresses on my body that I might experience living at a high altitude- we trust God is in control.
Lisa and Scotty,
As you know, we couldn't be more thrilled for both of you, and for little Bud. He has a great set of parents!!!! We love you all, and we know God has much in store for you as you enter this new phase in your lives. God bless you.
Mom and Dad K
Oh my goodness!!! Congrats! I'm praying there is only 1 in there!!! Ha! :)
Children are such a blessing that can only come from our Creator! Thanks for sharing the news...and I love the way your did it!
Scott is going to be a dad? WOW!!!
For some reason it takes me back to all the goofy things we did as teenagers. Scary! If I can do it so can you and I have the highest confidence that you will be great at it. Plus, you have a great role model in your own dad to go by.
Congratulations to you both!
I was waiting for you to come out of the pregnancy closet over here :-)
Congrats on the lil' bun. You guys will be great parents...our kids were so blessed to know you for just a short time!
WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Congratulations! You will be AMAZING parents!!! The advice won't stop here.....you'll get it for the rest of your lives.....but the Lord will lead you and guide you with every season of parenting! ; )
How wonderful!!!
Congratulations you guys! We are so excited for you and this new life God has created! Much love to you both! Lisa- those cinnamon rolls look so good! :)
Congrats, guys. Just remember that all the nausea, pain, discomfort, and other things that come along with pregnancy is WELL WORTH IT!
Kept looking for this post!!!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! And as a fellow pregnant woman, I WANT THAT CINNAMON ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!
We are so thrilled for you guys and know you will be wonderful parents. We know this because you love the Lord your God with all your hearts and your desire is to glorify Him in raising this child. God's timing is perfect indeed!
exciting and scary. There are a million people that are going to have a baby in the next year, that I know.
I think it's great. I don't feel alone. Congrats again.
Have you been exhausted? I know that I was knocked for a loop in the first couple of months.
Hooray for Baby Miser! (or Baby Bud?) I’m thrilled for you guys. Btw, I *just* got home from having ice cream with Linda Her--do you remember her from small group? Anyway, she brought up your names and could not stop gushing over what a wonderful and ideal couple you are. You really made an impression on her the short time we were all together. Just thought I’d pass that along … dear Wonderful & Ideal Couple Who Feels Much Too Far Away (esp with your celebratory news!).
and hey. does it have to be a bud?
what if its a princess?
hugs and love to all of you!
please lean down to your tummy and tell the
little baby i say HELLO!!!!
Lisa, we are all so excited for you! Like others have mentioned, it is all very worth it...ALL of it! :) Let me know if we can send you anything, OK? Love, Mara-Liisa for the B-team
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