Thursday, March 15, 2007

Did we make a mistake?

So when I went to go pick up the kittens from the vet, their eyes were dialated and they were "drunk", as the vet explained they would remain for the rest of the day. They looked fine and were still alive, although they had these large bandages wrapped up to their armpits on both front legs. I asked how long the bandages had to stay and the vet told me 15 days. 15 days!! How in the world was I going to keep two kittens from tearing off bandages for 2 weeks? Well, the question was quickly answered when they both managed to pull them off, even in their drunken stuper, the moment we returned home. They seemed quite confused and irritated with these inhibiting wraps, their little legs extended and crossing over themselves which made for a lot of falling over and tripping. It was quite funny for a few moments, until the bandages came off. Then, I started panicking and imagined all the stitches immediately popping out, blood pouring everywhere, resulting, I'm sure, in amputation of both paws. Then they decided the litter box sure looked interesting and why didn't they fall into it so that they could get infections as well.... We finally managed to call the vet, both trying to hold squirmy, intoxicated kitties so that their precious feet wouldn't touch the ground, who told us to come back so she could rewrap them. Hmmm...30 more minutes back up into town, or a vet that is just down the hill from us (that we hadn't yet visited)? The answer was clear and so we packed Cheddar and Malphurs back into their cage and booked it to the vet, while I tried to hold back my tears of fear. Did I happen to mention that in my conversing with the vet who did the surgery, I found out this was the first time she had ever declawed a cat (except in school, of course)? Oh, yes- that was extremely encouraging. So, we arrived at the new vets office, and I swear I heard angels singing when we walked through the doors into a very modern looking office with a beautiful garden surrounding it. My tenseness melted away as she explained that she never bandages the cats feet when she declaws (meaning she had done this before) and that the stiches were sufficient. Yay, no amputations! We're definitely going back to her.

So, we decided since the cats are on their best behavior, still recovering from the trauma, we should invite our neighbors over for dinner. I prepared a simple, yummy meal of beef curry and corn and squash casserole, and Hortencia and Edgar came up (they live below us) at about 7. We enjoyed several hours of chatting with them about everything from art, to weather, to politics, to travel. I expressed my desire to learn how to cook Bolivian dishes, which got me the invitation to come down before lunch some day and watch their maid cook. They were quite pleased that we had asked them over and promised to return the favor by having us over next week for a typical Bolivian dinner. We are hoping and praying that this relationship will only grow deeper and are thankful for landlords as kind as them!


Unknown said...

Oh wow Lisa your post STRESSED ME OUT! I'm so glad they're OK.

Nicole said...

Yeah, my heart was pounding! I'm so glad they are OK and it sounds like the switch to the new vet is a wise decision!!