Saturday, August 31, 2019

I guess I'm doing this again...

Hey, it's me.
I just read a blog where the blogger said she was challenged to write every day for 30 days and it helped her get back into blogging (Did I use all the forms of "blog" in that sentence?).  I thought, "I could do that. I should do that." You see, as my life has gotten busier and my children have gotten bigger, I've decided that I want to keep their lives (cause that's inevitably what I write about) more private.  This internet stuff never goes away, I hear.  Who wants potentially embarrassing stuff about them on the internet?

So, I'm working on that.  For today, I'll talk about me. 

Now I know that a lot of you have probably heard about the enneagram.  I know some of you might adore it and some of you might think it's a load of dung.  For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about- the enneagram is a model personality types.  I appreciate some things about it that have given me insight into myself.  One of these things that I know to be true is how people with my personality can sometimes fall asleep to themselves.  A sort of spiritual or emotional laziness sets in and we're not willing to really do the work of figuring out how we feel about things, what's actually important to us or how we could do a better job of being fully present to the world and the people around us.  I'm hoping this blog will be a way I can camp out a little bit more within my own mind and heart and take the time necessary to get a better grasp on what's going on and how I need to grow.  The Lord has been working slowly on me (probably more related to my stubbornness than His slowness) over the last few years and I'm excited to see where that is going.  Some of that might come out here.  And sometimes I might just ramble about my day.  We'll see.

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