Friday, June 08, 2012

Going home.

The last month or so has been oh so busy and I haven't found a lot of time to blog and sometimes I think I haven't found the time to think about what isn't directly in front of me.  We're at Scotty's parents' house now- after a wonderful, relaxing week at the beach.  We have a couple weeks here, one of those shared with Scotty's sister and brother-in-law and their kids, and then we'll do 3 crazy days of packing at my parents before we board the plane home.  We're ready.  In the same way we are always ready after living away for some time.  We start longing to be in our church, in our home, with our Bolivian and ex-pat friends.  We want "normalcy" and our routine and our sacred little family space.  We still have plenty of last minute things to finish.  No matter how hard we try, these things always loom before us in these last days.  It's never quite as chill at the end as we hope for.  But, we'll finish them to the best of our ability.  I feel different going back this time.  Usually, as the day approaches, I start wondering what ministry is supposed to look like this time.  I often feel guilty that I didn't do enough last term or feel the need to have some flashy ministry plan to make me look like a "good" missionary.  This time, I am just excited about going home and doing what I do there.  Taking care of my kids, being a supportive wife, being a good friend to Bolivians and internationals, opening my home and invitng people over for meals or coffee.  It doesn't feel so much like a job this time.  It's just life and I don't need to prove that I'm doing it correctly.  Hopefully this isn't irresponsibility on my part, but an understanding that seeking to do God's will and honor Him with how you live might look different for us than it does for you- but it's the same goal.  So, other than slight apprehension about re-entering the altitude with Jubilee- I am excited to go back.

1 comment:

ASwanson said...

Glad you're excited and praying for your continued progress on last-minute things and prep for re-entry! Love you guys!!!