Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Heatlh update

Well, praise God, Scotty remains well and has not yet caught the monster cold that is going around. Natty seems to be mostly better, other than a nasty cough, but has retained a mostly fussy attitude, which I'm hoping is related to teething and doesn't mean she still has something that needs to be looked into. Poor thing eats like a mouse- good thing she has some reserves in her chunky thighs. I am finally on the mend, after seeing a doctor yesterday who prescribed some stuff for the congestion and some drops for a minor ear infection. I spent most of yesterday sleeping while Scotty took care of Natty, neglecting a whole lot of other things he's got going on right now...what a great husband! My Bolivian friend, Ericka, came over today to visit and made some chicken soup for us. Then Faith sent over some soup with Greg- so I'm good for the next few days. I can't even tell you what Scotty has been eating while I've been bed/couch bound. Did get in a good read by Chinua Achebe: "Things Fall Apart". Very interesting and simply written look into Nigerian culture. I appreciate all the well-wishing and prayers. God is always good and takes care of His children.

One more thing. This is a funny glimpse into how life changes once you have a baby...I know you know what I'm talking about.

Overheard (in baby monitor)
Scotty changing Natty's diaper

Scotty: "Good job Bo-D (don't ask about the nick-name, I have no idea)!

Natty: "Ma."

Scotty: "You're a rock star...a pooping rock-star...you're a poop-star!"

Yes, we might need to get out more.

1 comment:

mims said...

Reminds me of the (hilarious)conversations I often overheard coming from the back seat of my Toyota as I hauled Scotty and his buddies to and from x-country meets.