Tuesday, January 06, 2009

This and that

It's rainy season. It's holiday-time here in Bolivia, which continues through the end of February, after Carnaval. That means the days are slow and lazy. Scotty and I are enjoying more free time and trying to do more stuff together and with friends. I'm loving it. Natty loves it. Here are a few of my favorite things (key Sound of Music soundtrack):

1. Morning nursing sessions with Scotty sitting next to me in bed drinking coffee. Making Natty laugh afterward.

2. Morning walks around the neighborhood with Scotty and Natty. Stopping in at the local market to say hi to the ladies and buy fruit.

3. Inviting friends over for meals and games.

4. Watching it go from hot and sunny to cool and rainy with big, breathtaking clouds above the mountains...and then back (gotta love rainy season).

5. Cooking new recipes and eating leftovers.

6. Taking walks in town at night to get ice cream and people watch. Walking along the river and in the park with the stroller.

7. Doing devos and praying together in the afternoon.

8. Catching up with old friends.

9. Thinking and talking about how to make the best use of our 6 months in Bolivia this year (the last 6 months we'll be in the states!).

10. Bedtime with Natty- bath (sometimes that involves a lot of crying), PJ's and sitting on the bed to chat and read a story with Mom and Dad- so sweet!

It can be a big challenge during this time to feel like you are doing ministry. The church has all but shut down. School is out for the summer and people travel or do a lot of stuff together as a family. We see an opportunity to do a lot of laid-back "ministering"- just interacting with people in our small group and growing in friendship. The lot of us went out for lunch after church on Sunday...fun times and yummy chicken. We've had a few families over and want to continue to do that. It's strange how things really do get quiet for several months at this time every year. Scotty is preaching for the 3rd time in a row this Sunday- being the only leader left in town right now. But, he's on a roll with a good topic- the new creation in the new year. I think we're making the best of it and I'm thankful to be together more as a family.

1 comment:

Steve said...

I love the sound of your life together; the warmth and sharing of so many things, and the creation of lasting memories! Enjoy! We love you.