Monday, May 05, 2008


Wallyball is a much loved sport here in Bolivia. I'm not sure if it's unique to this country but I know that almost everyone here enjoys playing it. Wally is played in an enclosed raquetball court with a volleyball net. The rules are generally the same as volleyball, only 3 hits on each side before it goes over, rotation, serving, etc...all the same. But, the fun extra rule is that it's OK to hit the ball off the walls. If I'm hitting the ball over the net, aiming for the wall of the opposing team can often cause the ball to bounce off and land somewhere where no one is ready to hit it back. It's also good for people like me who aren't particularly gifted in sports and can't always control where the ball is going to go. As long as I hit it, it can bounce off a wall no problem, and someone else can be responsible for getting it over the net. Also, if you can't get to the ball in time with your hands (because it's too low), you are allowed to use your feet to kick it. This is particularly popular in a soccer playing society. I don't like to dive for balls on hard wood floors, so I have successfully and unsuccessfully utilized the kick manouver. We've started getting together every Wednesday night with a few from our small group and other random friends to play Wally. If there are girls on either team, the game stays fairly calm, but when the girls sit out, the game gets pretty competitive. It's a fun time to interact with our Bible study people and meet others as well. Another couple has begun coming, the woman also pregnant. I'm hoping to get to know her better, having pregnancy in common, and would love to see them attending our Bible study as we spend the next month talking about parenting. Two teenagers from a house nearby come every week too and will also pop in off and on to the church on Sundays now. We're hoping to encourage them to become more regular and would like to have their parents over for dinner this week. It's neat to see the different ways God is opening doors for us in the community.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Scotty and Lisa,

I'm a fellow wallyball player and organizer from Long Island, N.Y., USA. Glad to hear wallyball is alive over there!

Thought I'd invite you to try my site for managing wallyball games and statistics with your group. It allows you to EASILY produce colorful individual and group bar charts about your wallyball play.

Try it for FREE and let me know how it works for you... The site is :