Thursday, May 29, 2008
10 Things I love about Cochabamba
10. Did I mention the climate? It is temperate all year round- never very hot, never very cold.
9. Casa Campestre. A small, wooded resort near my old apartment with a beautiful (if cold) pool and enormous, scrumptious lunch buffet- $5 for the day- all inclusive.
8. Mauge- Scotty and my old Spanish teacher. She encouraged our relationship, encouraged our souls, and taught us everything we ever needed to know about speaking Spanish. We always stay at her house when we go and really enjoy her and her family.
7. Cine Center. Coch has this beautiful, new, American-style theatre- complete with food court and cushy theatre chairs- but with Bolivian prices. Now, if they would just play something other than horror flicks...
6. Food! Cochabamba is known for big portions, yummy dishes, and seemingly continuous eating- I think that will mesh nicely with a pregnant woman's needs.
5. SIMers- we always run into or actually plan to hang out with other SIM missionaries that live in Coch that we aren't able to see frequently. There are some quality families in this town.
4. The Cancha- Cochabamba boasts a very large market with a very large used clothes section. Most of the clothes come in from the states and if you dig hard enough and walk around long enough, you will find some great stuff at ridiculously low prices. I'm very hopeful to increase my maternity wardrobe during this trip.
3. The drive over. Bolivia has an incredible, varied topography and the drive from the altiplano- a very high, flat region with huge fields of llamas and distant snowy peaks eventually begins winding through the rocky mountains and descending into the warmer valley of Cochabamba. Although it's about a 5 hour drive, it's a breathtaking ride.
2. Reminiscing with my husband. Coch holds many sweet memories for us and many localations where we pseudo-dated and got to know each other. It never fails that we spend half the time walking around saying "remember when...?"
1. Green! Although the city is still at a fairly high altitude, it boasts many green, grassy parks with flowers and trees dotted throughout. La Paz remains mostly brown throughout the year, and even though it has a few nicely landscaped areas, it doesn't compare to the lushness of Cochabamba.
So, we'll be attending a wedding on Saturday of some friends who will later move up to La Paz and be an adoptive part of our SIM team here and also pick up a rocking chair from a beloved missionary family who will be moving back to Australia after 20 years of service in Bolivia. Mixed in will be much relaxation and enjoying this city that we love so much.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Neighborhood store
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Cheddar and Malphurs
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Good day/Bad day
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Fun in the jungle
Monday morning we were up early to meet a team from Greg's home church in Dallas. This group consists of youth staff from his church, meaning lots of laughs and fun times- I love youth workers! Our mission was to drive to the mountainous jungle region where there is a Christian camp and work on a few of the unfinished apartments that are being built in the hopes of hosting families and couples in a more comfortable and private enviornment than the normal larger cabins. One apartment had been started a few years ago and was left to be habitated by large wasp nests and bats. The bats had been cleared out (all but one, which scared me and my painting partner a bit as we were wiping bat poop off the walls where he lived), but the wasps had been left for us. Part of the camp time was also leadership strategy training- how to improve our team dynamics as leaders in our various ministries. The wasps proved to be our first challenge. It turned out that the best idea was dip some socks in alcohol, tie them to the end of a long stick, light it, and burn/poke the nests down.
I stood far away to watch this one, but couldn't resist watching. It actually worked and we found that the strange thing was that either these were incredibly passive wasps or God was doing a mighty job of protecting all of us. Many of the guys were right up by the nests, even aggrivating them, and never got stung. There were quite a few hunks of nest and wasp scattered over the ground, but they were never aggresive and as we worked, everyone escaped without the slightest fear of a sting. This apartment was a disaster, but the team organized itself, we each stuck to our pre-determined roles, and we were able to clear out a ton of junk, wipe down walls, paint, and screen in some windows in a matter of a couple work periods.
And, we had a lot of fun doing it!
We also enjoyed the various team-building exercises, led by a Christian leader training group out of Santa Cruz, and were challenged to think about how these practical and Biblical examples could improve the leadership situation we are in personally.
We feel like we've already made some good friends and look forward to more time with this team this weekend as we, the Mallasilla Bible Church, join them for a group work project at an orphanage in El Alto.