Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Well, the big turkey day has approached again and even though most Bolivians don't know anything about this holiday, I'm excited to celebrate tomorrow with our SIM team. We've divided the food list between all the women (I'll be showcasing new recipes for "Bodacious Broccoli Salad", I didn't give it that name, and green bean casserole) and we're expecting a feast. I'm sure if you've been reading my blog very long, you might have, perhaps, picked up on the fact that I'm a foodie. I must admit I am already planning how I will be eating earlier in the day in order to maximize my enjoyment of our lunch. Like most women, I'm preparing myself mentally for the calorie over-indulging, convinced that this one time (and then again on Christmas and probably too many times to count over the year), it won't hurt me. But, all those things aside, I am thinking about the many, many things I have to be thankful for- all from the merciful hand of God:

-salvation, free and undeserved, plus the benefit of getting to know God more day by day

- husband who loves me sacrificially, who is growing in the Lord, and will always be another one of God's unmerited gifts

-parents who love us, support us, encourage us, and are coming to visit us over the holidays!

-a house that is comfortable, with hot water, great views, and 2 adorable, little kitties

-a calling on my life that has allowed me to come to Bolivia and work side by side with my husband, doing the things that God has gifted us to do and learning so much in the process

-hundreds of amazing friends and supporters back home that uphold us in so many ways- we would not be here without you!

There's so much more but I'll save that list for another time, maybe after the big day. Right now I have to go pick up my Bolivian identity card that I've been waiting over a year for. I'm so thankful it's finally done!!
(Here's the damage to last year's bird)


Anonymous said...

Hello from Bedwells. Its been a great day here ... some sun and fairly cold. Lots of delicious, traditional food and both of Emily's and Rebekah's familys here.
Was happy to see your blog.

the johnson crew said...

happy thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our SIM friends. Seeing the turkey from Thanksgiving at our house last year brings back very fond memories... wish we could be there this year.

The Eggens

beth said...

Happy Thanksgiving, you two. I hope it was a special day with your SIM team. I'm sure it was a wonderful feast if you had anything to do with it, Lisa! I'm curious about the Bodacious Broccoli Salad!

We're so thankful for you and for all that God is doing in and through you.
Lots of love,

undergroundcrowds said...

let us know how it went.