Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Happy independence day!

Yesterday was Bolivia's independence day and we were hoping to celebrate by enjoying a beautiful day outside, grilling out with our friends. We were invited to a teachers BBQ- the crew from Highlands International Christian School, which is located in Mallasilla, was giving the new and old teachers this year an opportunity to get to know each other and have one more vacation day before work started today. Because we are somewhat involved with the teachers at the school and hope to be a resource and encouragement to them, we were invited along as well. Our good friends James and Julie opened their lovely home for an all day meat-frisbee-dessert-movie fest, and we enjoyed every second of it. It was neat to interact with the new teachers and hear how God called them to be a part of this school in La Paz, as well as catch up with the old teachers who were all on summer break and listen to how they spent their time back home. As usual, there was a pile of steak, chicken and sausage- much more than we could all finish, but Scotty was up for the challenge of doing his part and maybe a little more. When we were all so stuffed, we didn't think we could eat anything else, dessert came out and we proved to have a few more rounds of eating in all of us. Then, to work off all that meat and ice cream, we chose to run around like crazy people for an hour or so, playing ultimate frisbee. I was quite impressed with everyone who had just returned to La Paz, knowing that the altitude is a very serious hindrance to any type of intense physical activity. But, everyone played their hardest, and "team Miser" ended the playoffs with a win- that felt good! We all crashed inside and eventually got around to watching the first, extended version, Lord of the Rings, which was a perfect way to end a super fun day.


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess if you can win at Ultimate Frisbee at this stage of gestation, we should be worrying too much about the later stages. BudMiser will be proud of you when he or she hears the stories (or reads the blogs).

Anonymous said...

correction ... that should read "we should NOT be worrying ..."